Becoming a Product Tester 预览

Becoming a Product Tester

讲师: Mike Fine 137 位用户赞了
时长: 1 小时 9 分钟 技能水平: 初级 发布日期: 2022/2/8


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a product tester? To try one of your favorite products while it’s still in development—long before it ever even hits the market? If your answer is yes, you should check out this course with instructor Mike Fine, as he tells you everything you need to know about becoming a product tester, from selection to feedback and more.

Discover the allure of testing new products in advance of their release. Learn about common misconceptions and what the process actually entails. Get tips on finding test opportunities, signing up, getting selected, and presenting yourself as the right candidate for each test. Explore the wide variety of industries, test types, and methodologies at work, including alpha, beta, delta, and usability testing, along with other forms of market research. Maybe you’re a gadget lover, or maybe you’re just smitten with a brand. There’s a test out there for everyone, Mike says—all you need to do is find your fit.






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