课程: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing


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How to choose which social media platforms to use for your business

How to choose which social media platforms to use for your business

课程: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

How to choose which social media platforms to use for your business

- [Instructor] How to choose which social media platforms to use for your business? Which social media platform will work best for you and your business? It's not always a straightforward answer. You might be tempted to go for the platform you find easiest to use, but this might not be the best option because it's not about you, it's about your customers. When deciding what social media platforms to use, there's some key questions. First, where is your target audience? User information is always available for each platform. You can check out their press office or newsrooms for the latest data and insights. And there can be some really interesting key trends by age and gender for each platform, as well as differences in their use around the world. When you understand your target audience, your ideal customer, you'll know which social media platform you're most likely to find them on. Don't make the mistake of thinking…
