课程: AWS for Developers: Data-Driven Serverless Applications with Kinesis

What is serverless?

- [Instructor] Let's start this course by talking about serverless, what it means that application is serverless. One of the first things people say to me whenever I mention the word serverless is that there are still servers in serverless, and yes, there are. With serverless, we don't manage those servers. They're obstructed away. The same as in virtual servers. They are bare metal servers running under them, but we don't get to touch them or manage those bare metal servers. Same with serverless, but one level of obstruction up. There are three main characteristics of serverless services. One, you don't need to manage infrastructure, and the configuration of infrastructure is minimal. You pay for what you use. And third, the service automatically scales up and down following your needs. When people think of serverless, they often think about compute, and that is not a complete thought. Serverless services can be compute services in which you run your code, as well as other managed services that can help you build your applications. Sometimes those compute services are referred as FaaS, function as a service, and the managed services as BaaS, backend as a service. Most serverless application are composed of managed services with functions to glue those services together and to implement a specific business logic. Backend as a service or managed services is quite an old concept. Amazon S3 was one of the first backend as a service, and it was launched in 2006. S3 allows you to store objects in the cloud without provisioning any storage infrastructure. It scaled its storage as much as you need, and you pay exactly for what you use. The Kinesis family services that we are going to see in this course are also managed services. More about this later in the course. One of the first examples of functions as a service is AWS Lambda, launched it in 2014 and offered by AWS. We are getting more into this topic later in this chapter.
