The same instructor's course on SED was very good - this one is lacking IMO. It's not always aligned (e.g. circles sometimes pop up to highlight something, but they are in the wrong place), and the structure is poor - the instructor spends a ton of time slowly going over super basic things like intro regex (which have obviously been covered a gazillion other places - seriously, I'm here for AWK not regex) but then in a lot of places when getting in to actual AWK, a lot of typing is skipped in the video so it all just appears at once and thus is hard to keep up with if one wants to follow along with their own scripts for practice. Basically, the slow and fast parts are in the wrong places.
So you've got a large data set. New information is always coming in, and it's messy and inconsistent. Text files, Excel spreadsheets, web forms, email messages, and so on. You'd like to find a way to format it into something clean and consistent you can use in a database, and you'd like to automate that process as much as possible. Enter AWK, a command-line tool for Mac, Unix, and Linux that allows you to manipulate data in powerful ways.
In this course, award-winning author and teacher David D. Levine shows you how to use AWK to read and write data in a variety of formats, produce reports, and automate repetitive tasks. He reviews the nuts and bolts of the language, such as field separators, pattern matching, variables, operators, expressions, and control structures; functions available for manipulating data; and integration with other programs like Excel.
In this course, award-winning author and teacher David D. Levine shows you how to use AWK to read and write data in a variety of formats, produce reports, and automate repetitive tasks. He reviews the nuts and bolts of the language, such as field separators, pattern matching, variables, operators, expressions, and control structures; functions available for manipulating data; and integration with other programs like Excel.
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