课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!
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Working with code: Tradeoffs - Python教程
课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!
Working with code: Tradeoffs
- At the beginning of this chapter, I spoke about how Azure custom vision can be accessed through query channels, the web portal, the REST API, and software development kits. For the most of this chapter, we have explored how we can use the web portal and the no code experience it offers us to build vision models. In this video, I will show how we can achieve the same thing using a software development kit. Although I will use the Python software development kit in this video, the custom vision SDK is also available in Java, JavaScript, C#, and Go. Let's move over to a coded detail to begin. We will first need to install the Custom Vision SDK in your Python environment. So you run this command, which pip installs the SDK, and makes it available to you. We will also need to create the custom vision resource, just as we did before. This time, after creating the resources, we will need to copy our credentials from the…
Computer vision: How do you handle image data?4 分钟 26 秒
Introducing Azure Custom Vision4 分钟 13 秒
Uploading and labeling images4 分钟 29 秒
Training and validating your model5 分钟 27 秒
Using your model4 分钟 58 秒
Working with code: Tradeoffs3 分钟 13 秒
Challenge: Multi-class classification56 秒
Solution: Multi-class classification5 分钟 2 秒
Cleaning up your resources2 分钟 52 秒