课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!

What you should know before you start

- [Instructor] There are some things you should keep in mind as you begin begin this course. You will need a basic knowledge of Python and to be able to use a Notebook editor. I will use Visual Studio Code throughout, but you are welcome to use any editor that you are comfortable with. You will also need a basic understanding of data science. Such as how data is wrangled in Pandas and how models are built using scikit-learn. If you need to catch up on any of these requirements, here are some courses I recommend you explore from the LinkedIn Learning Library. Python Essential Training and Python for Data Science Essential Training. These two courses offer great introductions into Python and Python for data science. We will also interact with ATTPN points at some points in this course. You can check out the Python Essential Libraries course which includes a chapter on making ACTP requests using the request library in Python.
