课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!


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Solution: Multi-class text classification

Solution: Multi-class text classification

(bouncy music) - [Instructor] Let's walk through the exercise together. Our task is to perform multi-class text classification using AutoTrain on the AG News Classification Data Set. This data set is available through Kaggle and I have it open here. The news articles belong to four categories. There is world, sports, tech, and business. And you can download this data set by clicking the download button at the top. Now I have already downloaded my own data set and I have it open in this notebook. Data set contains three columns. Class index, which represents the category of the news article, and then the title, and description of the article. There are about 120,000 news articles in this data set, so our sample 2,500 rows and write to a new file so that we can stay within the free tier of AutoTrain. I've already done all of this, so I'll just add straight to AutoTrain portal and then we can begin our project. We can see…
