课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!
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Solution: Flight delay prediction - Python教程
课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!
Solution: Flight delay prediction
(upbeat pop music) - [Instructor] Welcome to your exercise. This time we are working with a slightly different data set. A flight, delayed data set. This is a regression problem where we will predict how long a particular flight will be delayed. We will also demonstrate how you can tune the API parameters of models in AutoGluon. I have already run my whole notebook so I will just step through it with you. The first step is to add to zindi and download the suggested data set. The data set contains three files: train, test and sample submission. After this we can import a dataset using a tablet dataset class as we have done throughout this chapter. We will set busy configurations such as the label that we are trying to predict, the parts to which our files should be saved, our evaluation metric and problem type. Wanting to take note of is that we are working on a re, regression problem this time and I have set the problem…