课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!


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NLP: How do you handle text data?

NLP: How do you handle text data?

- [Instructor] In this chapter we are going to explore AutoML for Text Data. Text Data is abundant today in the form of posts on social media, policy documents in organizations, news articles on websites, and so on. Ever so often, we want to process this data to gain some kind of information from it, and perhaps take an automated action or decision. For example, an organization may want a chat bot, to use policy documents to answer questions that employees ask about operating procedures. The field that caters to text, as well as speech, is called Natural Language Processing. The goal with natural language processing, is to help computers process text and speech the way that we as humans do. And several tasks are domiciled on that field. We have sequence labeling tasks such as named entity recognition, machine translation, and speech to text. The current state of the art results…
