课程: AutoML: Build Production-Ready Models Quickly!


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Cleaning up your resources

Cleaning up your resources

- [Narrator] We are now familiar with Custom Vision and how we can use quick or advanced training to build image classifiers. Keep in mind that we can also build object detection models using Custom Vision. We have also learned to publish our training models and interact with their endpoints through HTTP requests to obtain predictions for new images. We did all of this using the Custom Vision resource that we created at the start of this chapter. This resource will incur costs for storage of our data set, compute time used to train our models, and end predictions. To avoid unnecessary costs, we must clean up these resources when we are no longer using them. So let's start by unpublishing one of our training iterations. This means we will no longer be able to obtain predictions via HTTP requests. We'll start by clicking "unpublish" for our advanced training, and "unpublish" for our quick training. Then, I'll head over to…
