课程: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training
Comparing AutoCAD drawings with DWG Compare - AutoCAD教程
课程: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training
Comparing AutoCAD drawings with DWG Compare
- [Instructor] We're starting another chapter now, and we're going to take a look at a couple of drawing management tools that are quite useful when you're working in your AutoCAD drawings. Now for the first video, we're going to take a look at the DWG Compare tool. Now that's available on the Collaborate tab, on the ribbon there, there's DWG Compare. Now before you start looking at DWG Compare, you're going to need two drawings open, which are Simple Objects_001 and Simple Objects_002. Notice Simple Objects_002 is missing the hexagon, and that's deliberate because then we can see the differences between the two drawings when we use DWG Compare. Let's go back to Simple Objects_001. Now all I've got to do now is click on DWG Compare, and AutoCAD will ask me which drawing do I want to compare it to. So I select Simple Objects_002, click on Open, and we now go into the DWG Compare mode. You'll notice that this is green now, and these are a gray color. If I go to the settings here and just pin these open, you'll notice that the hexagon is green because it's only in the current drawing and where there are no differences, it's gray, and the cloud display at the moment is polygonal. I can change the size of that, I can make it bigger or smaller, I can make it rectangular as well and make it bigger or smaller. Basically, you can tweak those displays to your heart's content to suit what you're looking at. You can also filter hatching and text if you need to in your drawings. You can turn them all on and off you'll notice as well, like you can with your layers in your Layer Properties Manager. I'll just unpin the settings now, and what we can do now is we can click on these arrows like so, and it will zoom us in to whatever differences there are between the two drawings. Now there's only one, so if I click on the arrow again not much will happen, but I can zoom back out again like so. Now there's some other icons as well. This one here will allow me to import the objects from the compare drawing. Now, in this particular case, that wouldn't work because the objects are in this drawing, Simple Objects_001. And I can also do a comparison DWG, and export this comparison out as a separate DWG file if I want to. So what I'm going to do now is do something slightly different. I'm going to close DWG Compare like so, and we're back to where we were before. Going to go into Simple Objects_002, like so, and I'm going to go to DWG Compare again, and I'm going to compare it to 001 this time. Click on Open. Notice it's red this time, which indicates not in current drawing. It also gives me a location, you'll notice, if I hover over it. So now what I could do in Simple Objects_002, I can now import the object that is coming in from the compared drawing. So if I import that and select that object there and press Enter to confirm, you'll notice they're all the same now, they're that gray, remember, in the settings. So there's no differences. They're the same. If I close DWG Compare now, you'll notice we've got a hexagon in Simple Objects_002, and Simple Objects_001 also has the hexagon. DWG Compare is a fantastic tool for management and comparison of your AutoCAD drawings.
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Adding a table to your AutoCAD drawing4 分钟 12 秒
Creating and using multileader styles in your AutoCAD drawings4 分钟 6 秒
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Aligning text precisely and accurately in AutoCAD5 分钟 43 秒
Editing dimensions and dimension overrides in AutoCAD drawings2 分钟 47 秒
Breaking and spacing AutoCAD dimensions quickly and easily3 分钟 31 秒
Using Continue and Baseline to enhance your AutoCAD dimension annotation3 分钟 53 秒
Using automatic dimensioning in your AutoCAD drawings2 分钟 31 秒
Working with AutoCAD object properties3 分钟 6 秒
Changing the linetype scale in your AutoCAD drawings3 分钟 44 秒
Using Hide and Isolate in AutoCAD drawings1 分钟 59 秒
Creating new layers and working with the layer dropdown menu in AutoCAD3 分钟 33 秒
Using the layer tools in AutoCAD drawings3 分钟 9 秒
Working with layer states in AutoCAD drawings2 分钟 19 秒
Using groups with geometry in AutoCAD3 分钟 13 秒
Creating and inserting an AutoCAD block into a drawing4 分钟 43 秒
Redefining block definitions in an AutoCAD drawing7 分钟 27 秒
Using the EXPLODE command with blocks in your AutoCAD drawings1 分钟 53 秒
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Working with table styles in your AutoCAD drawings4 分钟 29 秒
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Adding fields to an AutoCAD table in your drawing3 分钟 36 秒
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Freezing viewport layers in AutoCAD drawings3 分钟 40 秒
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Using annotative scaling in your AutoCAD drawings5 分钟 7 秒
Printing and plotting your AutoCAD drawings2 分钟 48 秒
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Saving and opening to and from the AutoCAD Web and Mobile folders2 分钟 14 秒
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