课程: Asking Great Sales Questions


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Quantify the problem

Quantify the problem

- As humans, our brains are wired to want to understand if something is bringing value to us. Sometimes, this is more harshly described as the what's in it for me, WIIFM, tendency. The same is definitely true of your prospects. When we question them, we need to make sure that they understand that this is part of the process and it has value. How do we do this? In my experience, one of the best ways is through sharing insights with the prospect and then through effective questions, helping validate the specific impact directly to the people that you're meeting with. By now, you already understand the benefits of using insights to help underscore the problems your prospects should be thinking about. We've also formulated questions around those insights that allow us and the prospect to see how their experience stacks up against the information that we've provided. Now, we'll ask questions to validate the impact to the…
