课程: Articulate Storyline Quick Tips
Animate text by paragraph
- [Instructor] When animating text, you can control the timing of each bullet point or line independently by paragraph. Let me show you how. For example, we have this text box here with several bullet points, and I've already applied a fade in entrance animation, which animates in the entire text box all at once. To control the timing of each of these bullet points, click the effect options dropdown in the animations tab in the ribbon, and select the option for by paragraph. You'll notice now that an arrow now appears next to the text box in the timeline, which we'll click to expand. From here, we can adjust the timing of our animations for each line, as if they were separate objects in the timeline. And if we preview our timeline, we can see each bullet point animating in independently. And that's how you can animate text by paragraph in Articulate Storyline.
Copy and paste animations between objects38 秒
Apply slide transitions to all slides35 秒
Apply slide transitions to slide layers38 秒
Animate text by paragraph51 秒
Adjust timing of motion paths with cue points54 秒
Trigger motion paths with user interaction37 秒
Rename motion paths29 秒