课程: API Test Automation with SoapUI


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Setting up load tests

Setting up load tests

- [Instructor] We've learned a lot about load testing but now let's look at how to actually set a test up in SoapUI. So I've got a test here started and for this one we'll use a simple strategy. We'll keep it at five threads so we'll simulate five users. And then we'll set the test delay to be one second here. So the test delay basically says how long each thread is going to wait before it sends the next request. So it'll send a request, then it'll wait a second before it sends another request. That way requests have time to resolve and come back before the next one gets sent. And then this random variable just indicates how much offset there will be between the different threads so that they're not all sending data at exactly the same time. And then we have the limit, so for this one let's just make it a little shorter, we'll say 20 seconds. So it'll run for 20 seconds and then stop. So let's run this and see what happens. So you can see that as we're running it, there's a progress…
