课程: API Test Automation with SoapUI
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Running SoapUI from command line
- So far, we've looked at how to run SoapUI interactively. But if we want to be able to run SoapUI as part of a build process, or in a more automated fashion, we're going to need to be able to run it at the command line. Now SoapUI gives us a powerful set of command line options, and to use them we need to use a file that it provides. So let's go find that file. We'll change directory here, so I've got a command prompt, and we can do cd to change directory. And for me, it'll be in the install location, so for me that's in my program files folder. And then SmartBear, and then SoapUI. And the file that we want is in the bin directory. So we'll move into that directory. And now that we're in here, if I do a dir, you can see the list of files. The one that we're looking for is called testrunner.bat. So, we'll call that testrunner.bat. And then we'll give it some arguments to tell SoapUI what to do. So the thing that it takes, is an XML file, that represents the test case. And if we switch…