课程: Apache Spark Deep Learning Essential Training
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课程: Apache Spark Deep Learning Essential Training
Future project ideas
- [Jonathan] Now we've looked at Databricks' Deep Learning package for Spark which is very feature-rich. With the Databricks Community Edition that we've been using as our lab environment, we haven't been able to run our processing in parallel. Go ahead and process these images in a standalone Spark environment with multiple workers or in a cloud environment and see the difference when Spark processes these models and images in parallel. This is why companies use Spark for processing millions of images at a time. Now what if your use case is distributed training? Then check out some of the other packages such as Intel's BigDL, Yahoo's TensorFlowOnSpark, or Deeplearning4j if you also know Scala. I hope you found this course helpful. Thanks for watching, and I'd love to hear back from you and to connect via LinkedIn. Enjoy, and (speaking foreign language).