课程: An Introduction to How Generative AI Will Transform Healthcare


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The next wave: Multimodal AI in patient care

The next wave: Multimodal AI in patient care

- Did you know that more than 97% of all healthcare data is not text, and that non-textual data in an average size healthcare system is much larger than the data that was used to train the biggest generative AI models like GPT? So as we explore what the next frontier of generative AI in healthcare will be, it is clear that it'll have to learn to process more than text data. In other words, it needs to be multimodal. Multimodal in this context essentially refers to models that can process, understand, and generate multiple types of data. This includes text, images, sound and video. We know that text alone can teach models to learn real concepts. After all, it is the foundation of our communications about the world. But there is much more that can be learned through processing other types of information, and that can result in powerful representations of the world. Intuitively, you know this, right? Think about the experience of sitting on the beach, observing a beautiful sunset. Or in…
