课程: Aligning Your Values with Work, Life, and Everything In Between


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External support

External support

- The external world often mirrors what's happening for us on the inside. We're all interconnected and the more I understand this, the more I see how beautiful the world can be. While I believe a certain amount of independence is necessary for everyone. There's also a lot you can achieve when you recognize and embrace your interconnectedness with others. Often we need others to help us see things in order to realign ourselves. And the sooner you value interconnection which means your mutual connection with two or more people or things, the easier it will be to find your internal alignment. In this lesson, you'll learn a few tangible steps that you can take to recognize that you're not alone on your path. The first step is to recognize that you are not alone. While this seems simple, it might require a change in perspective. If you were taught to be hyper independent for example, realizing that people are there to support…
