课程: Agile Project Management: Comparing Agile Tools (2021)

What you should know

- [Instructor] So, let's talk a little bit about you. I want to make some assumptions about you. The first is that you already know a little bit about Agile. You've seen my Agile Foundations course or some of the other great Agile courses in the library. So, my point is, you have some background about Agile, and you'll understand a little bit about some of the roles and some of the processes that make up the Agile mindset. So, if you don't know terms like Scrum, or product owner, or Scrum Master, or self-organized team, or the Agile Manifesto, then you might want to go back and take a look at some of these courses. And then when you come back to this course, you'll get a lot more out of it. The second thing I'm going to assume about you is that you want to know a lot of different Agile tools. That you really don't have your heart set on any one tool. This isn't a deep dive into each individual tool. Instead, this is a broad overview of all the available tools. So, you get some sense of how to use Microsoft Excel, or Jira, or Microsoft Azure DevOps, or Trello, or GitHub. The first thing I'm going to assume about you is that you're curious about these tools. This course isn't structured to be an up and running series. You're not going to get the in-depth information you need to start using these tools every day. Instead, this is a very broad overview. I give you lots of information about lots of different tools so that you can make your own decision. And then you can use it as a jumping off point, so that once you start using one of these tools on a day-to-day basis, you'll get better and better as time goes on. But I wouldn't expect to go through this course and be able to use all five tools proficiently every day. Finally, I want you to keep in mind that looking at these different tools can be fun. It can give you a very broad sense of the Agile mindset. Plus, each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses. And by watching each one of these consecutively, you can get the most out of whatever tool you choose for your organization.
