课程: Agile Project Management: Comparing Agile Tools (2021)
How to evaluate agile tools
课程: Agile Project Management: Comparing Agile Tools (2021)
How to evaluate agile tools
- Part of the agile mindset is encouraging individuals and interactions over processes and tools. So right from the beginning, your agile team is going to have a very different way of looking at their tool set. Due to the increasing popularity of agile, there are many new software products. They've been grouped into types, so that you can see samples of how each tool wants to improve your delivery. We'll start the course by seeing how to use a simple spreadsheet editor, like Microsoft Excel. Next, we'll see communication platforms, such as Trello. We'll look at more comprehensive packages, such as Microsoft's Azure DevOps services. These offer an increased feature set and with it, increased complexity. We'll also go over how to use agile tools, such as Jira to leverage your team's existing issue tracking system. Finally, we'll see how you can host your own Git software repository with tools that can help your team embrace a more agile mindset. This course is more than just a survey of the different features you can buy with off-the-shelf software. You'll see how each tool fits into a specific need for your agile team. If it doesn't meet that need, then you should save yourself the effort of trying to use them. Remember these tools should always help, and not hurt, your lightweight product delivery. So let's get started with comparing agile software tools.