课程: Agile Product Owner Role: Techniques


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Product roadmapping

Product roadmapping

- Once you have a clearly articulated vision that the team understands, we need to get to a backlog. This is part of the agile process that doesn't have much guidance for teams in many of the agile methodologies, but it's an important part of making sure what is built aligns with the vision and is valuable. A Road Map defines the key features and characteristics to achieve the product vision, and in what order. For a refresher on Road Map, check out the course, Agile Product Owner Role. Getting from vision to backlog is no easy task. There are so many approaches a team can take for the same product. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the order and path to take. Ultimately, we want a path centered on customer value. There are numerous techniques that the product owner and team can use to help determine the best approach to get better business outcomes. Let's discuss some key insights and techniques to help you get from a vision to a backlog. It involves taking the product vision, and…
