课程: Advanced SQL Project: Design and Manage a Database
Conceptualizing the music database - SQL教程
课程: Advanced SQL Project: Design and Manage a Database
Conceptualizing the music database
- [Instructor] So welcome to the first step in designing a robust music database for iMedia, the digital music company. As a database modeler and data analyst, you'll be instrumental in building a system that manages vast amounts of data effectively for iMedia. So let's start with the definition and the purpose of a database. Now, officially, a database is a structured collection of data. Think of it as a digital filing cabinet where information is stored and organized for easy access in management. Now, the purpose of this database for iMedia is to help them manage and access extensive musical data efficiently, improving operations and their user experience. Let's now look at an overview of the music database and its benefits. So specifically, a music database stores details about artists, albums, tracks, and genres. This structure helps iMedia manage their music catalog, streamline operations, and enhance user interactions. Some of the benefits include efficient data management, enhanced search and retrieval capabilities, and as we mentioned, a better overall user experience. Up next, let's now install the software that we're going to be using throughout this course. It's going to be SQLite, and we're going to install two components of this software. Okay, let's now get SQLite installed on your machine. Now for this course, we're going to be using two different software to operate SQLite. First, we're going to navigate to SQLite.org and download and install the SQLite Command Line Tool. To do so, you want to select the Download option while you're on SQLite.org, and scroll down to the pre-compiled binaries for Mac, if you are on a Mac machine like myself, and click on the File option there. Once you have downloaded that file, you want to navigate to where it has downloaded, your Download folder. Then double-click on that zipped file. That is going to unzip the file, and within the unzipped file, you'll see the three options that are there. The one that you're interested in is SQLite 3. Double-clicking this file starts the command line prompt. And with that action, you have successfully installed SQLite Command Line Tool. Now if you are on a Windows machine, you want the option right under the Mac option, which is the pre-compiled binaries for Windows, and you want the very last file, SQLite tools Windows 64. You want to do the same action. Download this file, navigate to your Download folder, unzip that file, and there you'll see the SQLite 3 file that you will be needing. Okay, now let's move on to installing DB Browser for SQLite, which is the graphical user interface for SQLite. To do so, you want to go to SQLite browser.org, and click on the Download option from the menu items. Here, you'll see the various installations depending on your operating system. For Windows, you'll see that there is a standard install for 64-bit Windows. This is the version you'll most likely need if you're working with a newer machine. For the Mac folks, you want to scroll down to where it says macOS, and select the option that's applicable to your Mac. I have a newer Mac, which is with the M1 chip, and therefore I need the Apple Silicon version. Once I click on that, I'm going to go to my Download folder again, and here I'll see the file that has downloaded the DMG file. For me to install this, I just simply double-click, and I'm presented with the following screen, simply dragging the DB Browser for SQLite from the left to the right installs this particular software. And with that, I have fully installed DB Browser for SQLite. Now for the Windows folks, you're doing the exact same action. And with that, you will also have DB Browser installed on your machine. You're now ready to take that first step of creating the basic music database. So let's fire up DB Browser for SQLite by navigating to Finder, Applications, then selecting DB Browser if you are on a Mac. If you're on a Windows, you want to go to Start, Programs, and then find DB Browser for SQLite. In either case, you'll be presented with a screen just like this one when you fire up that software. Now to save our iMedia music database, we're going to set up a new database. Let's click on that new database item in the menu options, and under Save As, I'm going to type out the name iMedia Music database, I'm going to select my location as Documents to save, and I'm going to leave everything else defaulted, meaning the file type is going to be saved as SQLite. I click on Save, and I'm presented with this Edit table definition. For now, we're simply going to click on Cancel at this point. At this point, we have created the shell of our database, iMedia Music DB, and you can take a look in the database structure of DB Browser, and now see that we do have a few items, tables, indices, views, and triggers. At the moment, they all have zero, indicating we simply have a structure. We do not have any contents in our database. So great job. Up next, we'll start working with our newly created database.