课程: Advanced Selenium: Page Objects and GUI Automation
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Infrastructure abstractions
- {Instuctor] Page objects are not the only abstractions. With web automation, we very often jump to the concept of page objects, but if we do, then only have a single concept to model out applications and out test code won't be precise enough. The reality is, we have multiple abstractions, and have categorized them as support, web, application and domain. Support are the general abstractions which we often take for granted. They help us manage the infrastructure and environment, the dependencies, selecting which web driver and browser to use and abstracting the technology used by the application. An infrastructure abstraction makes it easy for us to configure our tests to run on different environments. So, it could be as simple as a string in a variable, the env string here, or a method on a class, which helps us set URLs and variables from properties of environment variables, like the getAdminLoginUrl does here.…