课程: 15 Questions to Ask before Hiring a Lawyer


Hiring a lawyer for the first time can seem daunting. Even if you've worked with lawyers, it's likely you landed a lawyer from a referral. It didn't have to do much vetting to be sure they were the right person for the job. For anyone who works with lawyers, I'd like to share some ideas on questions that can ensure your interviews with the lawyers cover enough ground to ensure you get a lawyer you're going to feel great about. I'm Dana Robinson. I've been a lawyer since 1999, and I've also been an entrepreneur who uses lawyers for things that are outside of my expertise. I'm sharing 15 questions that you can draw from to have honest conversations with potential lawyers. You don't need to go down this list one by one with every lawyer. Most lawyers will naturally answer many of these in your initial conversations, but keep these handy and it will help you ensure that you cover more ground, get the most out of your early discussions, and make the most out of that initial interview.
