This week, to conclude Women’s History Month, communications expert Julie Zuraw shared her impactful and engaging workshop Lead Like a Woman with RMC. Together, we learned how female communicators can best navigate male-dominated environments, how to master the "Power Game", and how to activate our personal power to ensure we're our best selves at work and at home. #relatedmanagementcompany #bettertogether #championbelonging #womenswerg
Related Management Company的动态
"So many women struggle with self-doubt. Do you? And if you do, how do you push past it?" This is a question ???????????????? ?????????? was asked on a panel with ?????????????? ???????????? ?????????? and ???????? ??????????????. So much power on one stage! On their mission of empowering girls worldwide, they are willing to openly showcase that ???????? ?????? ???????? ???????????????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? struggle with ????????-??????????, ???????????????? ????????????????, ?????? ?????????? ?????????? "????????????." I see this every day in my work as an empowerment speaker, but especially as a coach/advisor/board member. My clients are ??????????????????????????. These incredible women, whether founders or executives, are either at the top of their careers or aspire to nothing less. More often than not, my role is to "mirror" how much they have already achieved. I guide them through the process of understanding "what is." We then develop strategies on how to work smarter, not harder; how to slow down; and how to continue their journey of success with more ease, joy, and pleasure. Remember, ??????'???? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????. The most powerful women have them, too. And my mission is to help you navigate through them. -------- I am really proud to present day 53/70 of my #empowertoimpact campaign. #TheSelmaEffect #SelmaProdanovic
“A well-behaved woman seldom makes history.” – Marilyn Monroe #SacredFireCreative #WomensHistoryMonth #inspiredleadership #beauthentic #createtocultivate #createcultivate #bedeeplyrooted #creativityfound #herestothecreatives #dreamersanddoers #daretolead #buildingbossladies #entrepreneurswhoinspire #empoweredentrepreneurs #womenleaders #womeninbusiness #womenfounders #womenbusinessowners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingpros #digitalmarketingstrategies #womenempoweringwomen
I recommend to tune into this one!
It's here! The first episode of our new talk show, Forty Minutes With has landed. Join us for a chat with Leonie Moreton, Managing Director of Coffee & TV, where we cover women in leadership, starting out in theatre, and how interviewing candidates for jobs is a real skill. #interview #talkshow #chatshow #womeninleadership Post production supported by Jigsaw24 Media
Women in leadership, working in the creative industries, and being your true self – Leonie Moreton
To celebrate Women’s History Month, we want to talk about Women’s Voices. There’s a lot of information out there about the “feminine voice,” and countless advice columns about how women ‘should’ speak to be heard and ‘taken seriously.’ First things first - let us break this spell that women’s voices are a problem or something to be fixed. To be very clear: your voice is NOT a problem. Your voice IS a choice. How you choose to use your voice will determine how people interact with you. In this month’s blog post, we break down some of the main vocal characteristics people talk about when discussing the feminine voice. Read more at the link in the comments! #womenshistorymonth #womeninleadership #voicecoaching
“A well-behaved woman seldom makes history.” – Marilyn Monroe #SacredFireCreative #WomensHistoryMonth #inspiredleadership #beauthentic #createtocultivate #createcultivate #bedeeplyrooted #creativityfound #herestothecreatives #dreamersanddoers #daretolead #buildingbossladies #entrepreneurswhoinspire #empoweredentrepreneurs #womenleaders #womeninbusiness #womenfounders #womenbusinessowners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingpros #digitalmarketingstrategies #womenempoweringwomen
thanks EUPRERA & Tasos Theofilou for inviting me to talk about my research on Betty Stewart and share some thoughts on writing women into PR history you can watch via the link below #EUPRERAtalks
DON'T MISS OUR WEBINAR "WOMEN IN PR HISTORY" TODAY! You can watch it live: ?? February 19 at 4 pm @ US Central Time Zone ?? February 19 at 11 pm @ Central European Time ?? February 20,?9 am @ Australian Eastern Standard Time or (re)watch it on our YouTube channel ?? Just click here ??
#EUPRERAtalks - Women in PR History
Staying silent won't lead you to the change you desire, but your words can. Share your brilliance, your uniqueness, and most importantly, your voice. Done with the Silence and Ready to make it your turn to speak up? Join us at our next Intro Women's Public Speaking Circle. Tap into a non traditional public speaking circle like you have never experienced. Let's empower each other through our words and wisdom. Comment HERVOICE for details #SpeakUp #WomensEmpowerment #PublicSpeaking
For Week 2 of Women's History Month, we consider quotes from 3 female business pioneers. They have much to say to us about leadership, communication and owning who you authentically are. #beyourbestself #leanin #keepitsimple #simplify
deniselyndelle Women’s History Month Week 2 - 3 Marketplace Pioneers: Nooyi, Roddick & Sandberg
An excellent article from Michael Franklin with some great reminders for communications and PR professionals working with Black women leaders to navigate and address the unique challenges and biases Black women experience with increased visibility in media and public scrutiny. "Communications professionals are often brought in because of their ability to assist a leader with telling their story. To effectively do this work, they must comprehend and understand the various systems and systemic prejudices like misogynoir that impact clients. Without this understanding, the narratives crafted might miss the moment altogether." #Communications #PublicRelations #Misogynoir
Understanding Misogynoir and its Impact on Public Relations
"You can't be a woman just by saying you are a woman.........." One of the paraphrased quotes from Sall Grover in the interview below. Sall is currently defending herself in court from a transgendered woman for discrimination. Sall created an app called Giggle for Girls for women back in 2018 as an online refuge. Her idea came as a result of personally suffering sexual abuse when she worked in Hollywood (surprise surprise). She wanted a safe place for women to be able to safely find roommates, friends and dates, away from any potential male aggressive abuse. Roxanne Tickle was born a man and legally became a woman in 2019, joined the app but was later removed because s/he was identified as male. This case highlights so many things including how the law, common sense and anything else thats thrown in for good measure can be massively twisted or mis interpreted. I really feel for Sall as her intentions were for the good of women and protecting them against male predators. I too have been abused by men and know how this kind of protection is so essential. I feel for Roxanne as she truly believes she is a woman and therefore has womens rights. And I also have to question the insanity we find ourselves in now. Biologically men are usually stronger than women - that is a fact! This strength doesn't diminish after an operation. And so women, especially vulnerable ones may still feel intimidated by that fact alone, especially in areas like changing rooms and public toilets. There has already been cases cited over the last 2 years of transgender women assaulting biological women, in areas that had previously been designed only for biological women........ ..............Is that right or fair? And transgender women being allowed to participate in womens sports, and always winning due to their natural biological strength....... that right or fair? I'm expecting some haters on this post, but I would ask that you see both sides. I will leave you with Salls quote below: "I think we need to be able to say what we believe and act upon it and not only do I not believe it, I firmly know there is not a man on this planet who is actually a woman. There just isn’t one.”
“I think we need to be able to say what we believe and act upon it and not only do I not believe it, I firmly know there is not a man on this planet who is actually a woman. There just isn’t one.”