No matter your size or structure, the HR function adds value from end to end. Let's dwindle the stigma and talk true HR value-adds. Here are my top 5 reasons why Human Resources is so valuable to all business.
- HR is the heartbeat. Small or large. Policy, procedure, process, training, recruiting, benefits, payroll, and much more...are areas HR spearhead. All channels lead to the HR function. Whether organizational design and job creation to processing the basic application to formulating a branding and go-to-market strategy to picking the best benefit carriers to provide for your people to solving the most complex people issues you've never heard, it all leads back to HR.
- Partnerships. I am referring to inclusive, transparent communication and collaboration between leaders and HR teams. Inviting HR when having strategic meetings or making important decisions for the business affords HR input on the front end to mitigate risk or anticipate objections. This also allows HR to keep up, shift, and stabilize proactively. Partnering with HR leadership gives the people perspective when formulating strategy-driven operational goals, discussing progressive programs and technology needed. Strong HR partnerships give businesses a leg up on talent strategy, retention, and employee satisfaction, among other benefits.
- Consistency. When HR is communicating, instituting or changing policy and procedure, it allows a solidified message to be delivered proactively. Being consistent with the company regulation eliminates confusion, gains trust, and provides guidance to the people. Instead of hearing "I don't know" or "I can't help you" and leaving the teammate to fend for themselves, HR is able to consistently take care of a need or solve a problem. This also facilitates the engagement and satisfaction level of employees.
- Accessibility. People need help and HR is there to provide for any employee challenge. Sometimes, when a teammate is having a rough day, they may call HR in confidence. We coach and mentor with compassion and try to help turn it around as best as possible. HR understands various benefits or resources available and can provide a solution to the employee. An example is an EAP or "Employee Assistance Program". Many carriers offer this type of program and it may prove to be a life-saver. Holistic health of your people is vital to everyday function, and HR can provide tools for any person that may be struggling.
- Culture Keeper. Have you ever heard "HR is the Culture Keeper"? It's true because we are a reflection of the mission, vision, and values a company wants to publicly exhibit. All Leaders are vital here because they are the primary source of the cultural tone. Whichever way it is decided to run the business, HR drives the vision and mission into cultural initiatives that resonate and scale. This contributes to overall retention of current employees and facilitates attraction of outside talent... because they heard that your company is "SO awesome to work for! They really know how to take care of their people and provide great benefits!"
Smaller businesses (49 and below) may not need a full-time HR function yet, however, there is a need for HR support. There are consultants (such as me!) and outside services that offer minimal billing. This way, you can still consult with a HR Leader to formulate the foundation, tools and knowledge necessary to grow your business and hire the right people. No matter what stage of growth, it is highly recommended to consult with a HR Professional to ensure you are on the path you desire for your business objectives, people strategy and market growth.
Remember, even the best of business geniuses do not know HR. Seek those Partnerships for the Win-Win!