Flutter GDE | BBapps Co-founder: Trigger Journal, NativePal, Bunny Search & TrackIt | Author of "Flutter Design Patterns & Best Practices" | Tech writer, public speaker, mentor | Flutterista, WTM | Flutter Riga organizer
Flutter FTW ?? So happy to see our Trigger Journal being featured among so many other awesome apps ??
Earlier this month, we asked what the Flutter community was working on. Now, we're sharing some of the submissions that stood out. Keep reading to be inspired by what Flutter can do. ?? ?? Stephan E.G. Veenstra hopes to gamify daily walks in his WIP to encourage habit building→ https://goo.gle/4dgSVni ? The goal of Darja Orlova's Trigger Journal is to uncover the root causes of your acne, stomachaches, and more → https://goo.gle/3zvWVTi ?? Pantry Pal, a creation by Roland Dumitrascu, aims to help you cook with food you already have in your kitchen → https://goo.gle/47EctAW ?? The more a doctor knows about fungal infections, the better they can treat their patients. Enter, Dr. Fungus → https://goo.gle/3TE6E0H ?? With DropLab by Vlad Voina, you'll be able to make music just by dragging and dropping → https://goo.gle/3zvqDrq ?? Get ready for a fantastical adventure → https://goo.gle/4e8moRE ?? The goal of Pedro Massango's Remindely is to never lose touch with the people around you → https://goo.gle/3XSEiSC Have something worth showing the Flutter community? Reply below!