


Exton��Pennsylvania 275 λ��ע��

The world��s first corrugated medical gas tubing putting healthcare facilities ahead of the curve.


Omega Flex, Inc. (OmegaFlex) was established in 1975 and is a leading innovator and manufacturer of flexible metal hose and piping products. Typical applications for our products include flexible piping for fuel gases in residential and commercial construction, semi rigid piping for liquid fuels for automotive, marina and back-up generation, flexible tubing for medical, healthcare facilities, pharmaceutical, and pure gases, and flexible hoses for various industrial applications requiring a high degree of flexibility with the ability to carry corrosive substances at cryogenic or very high temperatures. OmegaFlex currently has over 100 patents registered worldwide and is a product and engineering driven company committed to meeting our customers�� performance requirements. A product of OmegaFlex?, an industry leader in metal hose design, MediTrac? corrugated medical tubing (CMT) represents the next generation of copper tubing for medical gas distribution. Revolutionary in design and American-made, MediTrac marries the benefits of traditional brazed, cleaned and capped copper tubing with long, coiled lengths that significantly reduce hot work, installation time and labor costs.

501-1,000 ��
Manufacturing��Fuel Gas Piping��Double Containment Piping��Flexible Metal Piping



