Variety is the spice of life
David Brown
Specialist in developing people, leaders, and businesses. I engage in bespoke fixed-term assignments which gives my customers maximum impact.
So they say!
It's certainly the case in my career. I've worked in many different places, for several different businesses, performing numerous roles. And it has taught me that I need that variety in my working life in order to stay fresh, energised and performing at the top of my game.
One of the beautiful things about being an Executive Coach is that no two coaching sessions are the same, either, and that's just perfect!
Take one of the businesses I work with.
There might be a perception that bringing in a coach to work with a group of senior individuals in a business would lead to similar issues being discussed, similar challenges being raised, and similar outcomes being achieved.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, the reality is the opposite to that.
So there's a real mix of focus areas, priorities, and opportunities.
And I'm confident every one of those clients will succeed in achieving their goals.
Which speaks volumes about the commitment to coaching by each of them, as well as the investment by their sponsor organisation in the development of the senior team.
And this in turn should pay back many times over for the business, in terms of diversity of thought, engagement, loyalty, and successful results.
So it's a classic win-win-win scenario.