Putting the Fun Back Into Produce
The legendary fresh produce sales and marketing guru Paul Manfre asked a couple of weeks ago – who took the fun out of produce? We might pronounce it “PROD-yoo-ss” and Paul pronounces it “PRO-doos” but we’re still comparing apples to apples here. Right?
I don’t know who took the fun out of produce. I don’t know if it was a bunch of guys and girls in suits demanding farmers sell stuff at razor thin margins. I’m not sure if it was made fancy by the big two supermarkets getting high-paid celebrity chefs to tell us how great potatoes are. I think when they hear laughter at a shop it's like nails on a chalkboard to some of these people. Get in, buy your stuff, and get out. Might work at one of those dodgy dumpling places, but not at a fruit market.
My entire family works at the shop – my brother (who says “Don’t work with family” every day I’m alive), my sister, and my father all work with me. I have two brothers on the floor – Juicy James and Tasty Tass. Tony is one of the family. Tommy who helps with marketing is part of the family. (He still calls before he comes around, but we’re slowly getting him used to the idea of just rocking up.) Spiro, Uncle James, Wally – they’re all part of the family. You don’t have to make appointments to talk to me or the boys at Alexanders. Come in, sit down, have a talk. Some one will hand you a coffee and some fruit before too long.
Family and fruit go hand in hand. That means fun does as well. If we all had a corporate culture of processes upon processes like we’re robots, our morale would crash into the ground. This would be reflected in the day to day running of the shop, and people wouldn’t feel comfortable shopping at a place that doesn’t feel welcoming and fun. Curious about the fruit? Here, try a piece. Want to know what kind of potatoes go in a stew? Dutch creams are always nice, give it a go. Will I dress up Tasty Tass in a gorilla suit to sell bananas? Well, I wouldn't rule it out. I believe the Yanks have a saying mi casa e su casa – my house is your house. It really is.
Curious about the fruit? Here, try a piece. Want to know what kind of potatoes go in a stew? Dutch creams are always nice, give it a go. Will I dress up Tasty Tass in a gorilla suit to sell bananas? Well, I wouldn't rule it out.
I know for most ethnic people growing up in Melbourne they remember the Sunday “visiting.” (What are we doing today, Mum and Dad? One word: “Visiting.”) Uncles, aunties, cousins, grandparents, friends, and other people would come in and out all-day Sunday to visit. They’d sit, drink tea or coffee, have a laugh, and move on to the next place.
That’s what Alexanders is trying to capture. You’re not buying fruit at Alexanders, you’re visiting family. And visiting family should be fun.
It’s really that simple.
P.S. Cherries and peaches, bring 'em to the beaches? One day soon, Paul!
Entrepreneur,merchandising, Importer,brokerage while assisting accounts in inventory and margin controls for fresh FOB purchased produce.
Senior Sales Consultant and Auctioneer at OBrien Real Estate.
3 年Maurice Di Dio see this
" Produce, you know what's in it" no label necessary Consultant for the fresh produce industry from farm to table. Buyer, sales and shipper of fresh produce. Army veteran. All opinions are my own
3 年Thank you David, great article. I have some more very color full sayings that will make any fruit person laugh but may be too much for the famine of heart. I'll DM them to you
Executive Director at IG Fresh Produce
3 年Always 8nteresting, always fun. That's our kind of shopping experience. You're like the "Cheers" of the fruit and veg world. Please keep it up, and one day I will come there and catchup for a coffee. Thanks guys.