11. What's Your Definition for "Leader"?
John Lenhart
Synthesis Systems Thinker: Expert in NeuroLeadership, Flow, and Problem Dissolving
In previous articles, we have seen:
So, before we begin assessing definitions, have you written down or stated out loud your definition for "Leader"?
The Most Destructive Definition
I will never forget accompanying my oldest daughter while she bought textbooks before the beginning of the school year. The Atlantic Coast Conference college she attended necessitated something resembling a warehouse to contain all of the mandatory textbooks and I almost immediately left her to search out my favorite topic: Leadership.
There it was! The featured textbook was simply titled, "Leadership" and I quickly opened the three-inch thick tome to find out the editor's definition for "Leadership". The introductory paragraph stated Leadership was such a broad topic it made it impossible to supply a definition! CAUSELESS ! The most destructive definition a person could put into their brain. (No wonder they needed a three-inch thick explanation!)
Effects in Place of Causes
A definition ought to be a Cause and the overwhelming majority of definitions, when they are provided, are Effects. For example, a very popular definition for Leadership is influence...nothing more and nothing less.
If a person slipping on a banana peel influences you to avoid that path, would you tell others he is your Leader?
Notice, ALL explanations, excuses, qualifiers, etc. in an attempt to rationalize this abusive definition by being more specific actually means: Leadership is influence...and something more (explanation). That is the exact nature of the definition able to lead people to depression in the long term.
The reality is 94% of people WON'T state their definition of "Leader" out loud or respond on LinkedIn, however, I have learned to make adjustments. For example, I love to ask people who are giving a "Leadership Conference" if they consider Hitler to be a Leader. When they say, “Yes”, I tell them, "Good luck with your Hitler training."
They quickly respond, "Hitler was a bad Leader" and I simply point to their banner and say, "Then why doesn't it say Good Leadership Conference?" (Notice, this is the same mental trap people fall into when they try to say Hitler was somehow "right" but he went about it the wrong way. Be careful!)
The worst example of abuse is "Servant Leadership" and it was covered in an article titled, "Are Your Definitions Helping or Hurting Others? "
A healthy brain works from Cause TO Effect. When people can't give a definition as a Cause leading to the Effect they want, they take the Effect and make it part of the definition and this ought to be the first sign to you that the person is a dictator teaching Leadership.
What is "servant leadership"? (NOT Hitler)
What does "non-servant leadership" look like? (Hitler)
This is the worst example of abuse because not only are we open to accepting this damage to our brain, we are energized to spread it to others!
Contradictory Causes
I have asked almost two hundred people the definitions for words they use and only two people on LinkedIn have responded. While neither gave me a non-contradictory definition, they are in the shining minority. First, their ability to define a word they chose to use prevents others from being able to control them. Second, their willingness to share their definition shows they are humble and secure and may even be able to embrace Truth .
When someone does give me a definition made up of Causes, I like to apply their definition to another context to show the contradictions and see if they have the capacity to embrace Truth.
The reality is a non-contradictory definition for "Leader" not only applies to every context, it instantly exposes the issues with every other definition and allows people to intentionally be Leaders in every context! However, to those not able to embrace Truth, a non-contradictory definition will wear them down for the rest of their life serving as a constant conscious reminder of their contradictory advice as well as an unconscious confrontation draining their energy.
Are you able to embrace the Truth of a non-contradictory definition for "Leader" or will it make you miserable for the rest of your life?
If you want, you can find out next week when I give the non-contradictory definition for "Leader".
Next Chapter: The Truth of Leadership
With every day forward I Am God's Light! ??
1 年Wonderful article John I used to think I was a leader without being a leader. What I found though was my own self was a cover for not being noticed as a kid, so I became a enabler of good. Basically a sheep . Then I watched people and as I gained knowledge, I felt empowered. So then I started sharing Knowledge, and helping and once again fell down as I was reliable. A sheep. The old me served me well but when I came here Zhara K was one of my first people I met and to this day I am Thankful ???? I realized I don't need to be popular to be a stand out. Being Authentic is something I am learning. A leader can be humble A leader doesn't need to answer solutions but can ask questions that require thought. A leader can create relationships by using open body language and listening to silence A leader can look for win wins not compromising, And a leader can accept criticism as a positive Bless you John ,
Network Analyst @ Vision IT
2 年I'm going to post my definition of leader from my own current understanding. Though, I still need to read on to fully grasp what "non-contradictory definition" truly means. Leader: (This is actually tough, I've been staring at my screen thinking for 3 minutes as of now) A person who seeks to guide to a destination, rather than point to it.
?? High Value Facility Management-, PR- and HR-Coach ?? Transformational healer
2 年Thanks so much John Lenhart! I think a leader is a human other humans want to follow by their own free will because the leader gives the right example and leads with love. Love for the followers will lead the followers to loving the clients and the clients loving the company. Unconditional love and acceptance are the keys. Send a wave of love around the world and it comes back in your back. Throw a boomerang of love and you get love back. Love, ?? Mir Schouten, BASc. ?? HR/PR coach.
Effectiveness Subversive
3 年Ok I'm game, let's see how far off the mark I am - my definition of Leader (and no I haven't peeked) is "someone who helps people understand why they are doing the work"
QA/Regulatory/Engineering Consulting Solutions | Medical Device-Biotech-Pharma | Podcaster | Author | Speaker | Cultural Architect | Strategic Encourager
5 年Nice article, John Lenhart.? I think we all know what makes a good leader.? I interpret that as 94% of respondents have poor leaders and thus don't want to say publicly what good leadership is, just in case their leader sees their comment and feels it was an attack on them.