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  • Ruland Manufacturing Co., Inc.


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  • Shaft collar and shaft coupling assemblies

    颁发日期: US 9,181,985

    A shaft collar and shaft coupling assemblies adapted for use in the food-processing and similar industries. The assemblies include a shaft collar or shaft coupling disposed within an associated multi-element shroud. The shroud provides a cover overlying the collar or coupling, eliminating exposed features that can trap food particles, thereby effecting a high level of cleanliness of food-processing equipment upon which the collar or coupling is secured, while retaining many of the advantages of…

    A shaft collar and shaft coupling assemblies adapted for use in the food-processing and similar industries. The assemblies include a shaft collar or shaft coupling disposed within an associated multi-element shroud. The shroud provides a cover overlying the collar or coupling, eliminating exposed features that can trap food particles, thereby effecting a high level of cleanliness of food-processing equipment upon which the collar or coupling is secured, while retaining many of the advantages of a conventional collar or coupling.


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