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Ernest McNeil Jr
Jeremiah 17:14 KJV; Heal me O Lord, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. Moments Of Clarity: linktr.ee/DivineRevelation #TopOfTheRockEnt #MomentsOfClarity #history #religion #spirituality #truthbetold #spiritual #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #ancienttruth #ancientknowledge #divinerevelation #divineknowledge #divinetruth #divineawakening #divineguidance #TheFirstShallNoLongerBeLast
Drago Kulic
4-30-24 : Mother Sekhmet, Maria Magdalena, & Sananda by Eli Galla https://lnkd.in/gKdPg6Rp My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be here once again on this conference call. Beloveds yes, you feel the energies all around you and within you. These energies are multiplying each & every day. Drawing you up in frequency & vibration into the 5th Dimension & beyond. Yes, some people say you can only go into the 4th Dimension. But Beloveds, this we do not find is the Truth, because many beings base their facts on their opinions of being imprinted onto this 3rd Dimensional Timeline. So with the imprint being all based in fear & separation in that level of density, they cannot open their imagination to what the 5th Dimensional Timeline feels like. But Beloveds, each of you experience the 5th Dimension, when you first come into your bodies, and for the first year and a half, this is mainly the dimension you are operating in. So all of this lifetime has been about reintegrating the 5th Dimension in your conscious physical everyday lives. So all of our meditations are balanced, grounded, & centered in that knowingness that we are interdimensional beings, and that we are here to win back our 5th Dimensional Timeline. Only this time being on a 5th Dimensional Timeline will be so very comprehensive because of all the experiential knowledge that we have gained from navigating the very rough waters of duality for thousands upon thousands of years. But Beloveds, we see that you are all up to the task because you are seeing what is happening around you. And how the narrative of the mainstream media all of a sudden in these last 4 years has been filled with such contradictions of what they used to say. And the fact that transgenderism and critical race theory are being propagated in schools. You can see how it is another attempt to wipe out our DNA because they do not want us to procreate.
Col Johnston
Song # 2259- No Matter. from Our Gospel In Song Collection by Col Johnston. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your position in life is, God made us all the same. No matter who you are, there may always be someone who is better than you, just as there will be those who are worse off than you. Think about the man who complained because he had no shoes, until he met a man who had no feet. No matter where you go, or where you live, there will always be someone who has a bigger house, a flashier car, a newer phone, a bigger TV etc. But these material things do not interest God, He is only interested in who you are, not your social standing. And we cannot take any of these material things with us when we leave this earth, and hopefully go to heaven. We will find that the more we look to heaven, the less we need here on earth. So don’t feel that you have to try and compare yourself to others, God doesn’t ask you to do this. He asks for us to be righteous and holy, and to follow Jesus and be helpful to others, especially those less fortunate than ourselves. So to be a good Christian we need to show our faith and be loving and sincere to those we meet so they may come to see God’s love in you. Thought for today: the way of the Lord is a refuge for the righteous (Proverbs 10:29). Thought for the future: fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Where will you spend your eternity??? See all the Christian videos from “Our Gospel In Song” collection search: https://lnkd.in/e3ffQiuj
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Drago Kulic
6-5-24 : Mother Sekhmet, Maria Magdalena, & Sananda by Eli Galla https://lnkd.in/gGPJveYH My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I’m very happy to be with you on this conference call tonight. Beloveds, yes, there have been some very high vibrational shifts happening on your Beloved Planet, perhaps you can feel it in your high heart centers when you breathe into them. Because Beloveds, you have waited eons & eons to be at this place of high vibration where once again you could win back the ability to integrate the 5th Dimensional timeline. You had it in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, but the Truth has to be made known to bring this dynamic onto your Planet, at this time. Now with all of these court cases with the dynamics of the war culture trying to settle in once more and create these false flag events, these trigger moments where the fires of war can be exacerbated once more. But Beloveds, your consciousness has risen to such a dynamic level and degree that you are not thinking along those lines of fear & separation to a great degree any longer because now you have been incorporating the dynamics of how you have been enslaved for eons & eons. It all has to do with the lies, tricks, & deceptions that are propagated among your consciousness, in the collective consciousness of Humanity, telling you that you are only 3-D beings, that you are not interdimensional beings of the highest frequencies of love & light, and that you are dependent upon the institutions of Humanity for your sustenance, and that is a lie. Because Beloveds, this 3-D Matrix mind control programming has been designed to stop you from independently & critically thinking, at every juncture and turn, of each of your 7-year body cycles. Each of you goes through these cycles and the more times you have around the wheel with each cycle the more you learn, so that you can give yourself a narrative that aligns with the True essence of your being by understanding the dynamics you have been imprinted with.
Ernest McNeil Jr
Joshua 24:23 KJV; Now therefore put away, said he, the strange Gods which are among you, and include your heart unto the Lord God of Israel. Moments Of Clarity: linktr.ee/DivineRevelation #TopOfTheRockEnt #MomentsOfClarity #history #religion #spirituality #truthbetold #spiritual #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #ancienttruth #ancientknowledge #divinerevelation #divineknowledge #divinetruth #divineawakening #divineguidance #TheFirstShallNoLongerBeLast
Drago Kulic
Astrology for the Soul August 14, 2024 https://lnkd.in/gqGM5z3m OK, wow, as I mentioned at the end of the report, Venus is both love and money, relationships (Libra), and resources (Taurus). Let's face it, life is more expensive than we think or thought. Besides the world probably going through a recession over the next nine months as Jupiter (expansion) is at odds with Saturn (contraction), we may also experience personal financial losses as we let go of what once was valuable or important to us and don't get the return we expected or want. Another point I perhaps did not emphasize enough is that during rough times as these squares indicate, it is super important to be GENTLE with ourselves and others. Let's relate sympathetically to any and all situations realizing that we are all sensitive, we're all going through Venus square Jupiter/Mars opposite Saturn, and we are all trying to deal with our pain the best ways that we know how. Pain and sorrow can either bring us together or tear us apart. It makes both heroes and victims. Let's come together as heroes and not fall into victim consciousness. We'll get through this initiation together, know better, and create something more beautiful, fitting, and lasting than what was. Aho!
Drago Kulic
5-15-24 : Mother Sekhmet, Maria Magdalena, & Sananda by Eli Galla https://lnkd.in/gHtc_kmm My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you on this call once again tonight. Beloveds yes, you are aware that the energy is changing, and you are aware that big things are about to transpire. But Beloveds, it does no good for you to worry about these things. Because all along since you have awakened you have been having to use your discernment to trust in the plan, to trust that the Universe listens to you. Supports you. And loves you. It is no different now Beloveds because you are in this pivotal moment on your Beloved Planet where the consciousness of Humanity is turning to the light. The light is becoming dominant on your Beloved Planet. The old systems can no longer be in power because you are no longer letting the 3-D Matrix programming feed off your loosh. So many of you have taken up the call to be in this place of peace, to be in every moment centered, grounded, and balanced, to feel this peace, harmony, & joy, and unconditional/universal love, which is the core essence of your being. Beloveds, all of your clearings, channelings, & meditations, all of your expressions from your heart raise the level of the vibration on your Planet. Whereby you have created this narrative based on what you resonate with as the Truth. Now it is becoming even more of a tool for you to help others. Because yes, the Beloveds who are just awakening. They really do not have any clue about how to get to that place, that you have been able to get to because you changed your choices. You changed your narrative that was controlled by the negative 3-D Matrix mind control programming because you saw the contradictions in that programming. Each and every moment you are living your lives, Beloveds, you are a thinking/feeling organism of love & light.
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Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa
When you open up your life to the Gods, you open up all that entails, which means there's work to do, and it's not always on your terms. We can't control everything. Part of sacred relationships is recognizing our place in relation to greater forces & learning humility as we go. www.iconsofkmt.com www.scribe.iconsofkmt.com
Conni D
Proverbs 4:23 tells us,?“Guard your heart with all due diligence, for it is the wellspring of life.”??? Our hearts are sacred, carrying not only love but also the emotional burdens we’ve picked up along the way. When we experience hurt, loss, or trauma, we build walls around our hearts to protect ourselves. But over time, these "heart walls" can keep us stuck, blocking the flow of love, abundance, and peace in our lives. Let me share a quick story... I once was someone who felt like their relationships were distant and unfulfilling. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t?connect?deeply with my loved ones. Through various Emotion Code sessions focused on releasing the heart wall, I discovered that trapped emotions from past hurt were holding me back. By gently releasing those emotions, I started to feel a shift—a greater sense of closeness, warmth, and even an unexpected spark of creativity! ?? I felt lighter, more connected, and inspired to move forward with renewed energy. What if you could experience that kind of breakthrough? Releasing your heart wall allows you to open up your heart again,?heal old wounds, and experience life with a greater sense of joy, peace, and purpose. Imagine reconnecting with your loved ones, feeling more inspired in your work, or even unlocking a hidden well of creativity that’s been dormant for far too long. ? What if you could release what no longer serves you??Imagine freeing your heart from the weight of these emotional blocks, opening yourself to healing, joy, and possibility. By releasing your heart wall, you allow your true essence to shine, making room for new opportunities, deeper relationships, and inner peace. How can we do this??With just one quick, targeted?30-minute Emotion Code session, we can work together to release the trapped emotions that are keeping your heart guarded. Whether it's grief, anxiety, or past trauma, this focused session is designed specifically to help you let go and create space for love and healing. ???Ready to release your heart wall??Click?link in my bio?to schedule your session with me. Let’s set you free and align your heart with the life God has called you to live. ?? With love and light, ? ?Conni
Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa
Your practice can only grow through persistent effort fueled by your desire to engage the Gods directly. No one can give you that or initiate you into that; it comes from your recognition that the Gods are here and your honest intentions give you access. Persistence is practice. www.iconsofkmt.com www.scribe.iconsofkmt.com
Massimo Antonio Nicastro
Neverending Christmas neverending Love Welcome Jesus/Yeshua/Keshua Back! Jesus Welcome Back Home! For the great Defense, You and I and God!!! My more then a Theory is a Fact, my no Evolution and no Races but Adaption Fact! Who wants to making Part of the Pigape Evolution!? In no Way I am not making Part! Are You? I am making Part, of the Perfect Goddna Adaption through Jesus upto Godheavens Paradise onEarth!!! Massimo Antonio "2xNicastro" Nigro Natale "Arcangelis" is here Writing! Here another of my more then Theories, I call Fact, that the Moon and the Earth were a Doubleplanetarysystem and that in a Way they are this still on Today and there wasn't a Collision with another Planet, so that Luna was formed, no, Planet Luna and the Earth were already two mixed solid in a Form massive Liquid masses, in the Beginning, that were formed and with our born Star the Sun. The Truth is, that the Planet Luna, was catched by the Blueterra Planet Earth, by a nice Dance! Here three of my newest Words: The Sisiphus-Godtask, Propedeumfect, Deumfect, deumfectlike. Massimo Antonio ("2xNicastro" Nigro Natale "Arcangelis") is here Writing and Performing, Speaking and Creating and much more of my Arts of Life, Lifearts! Today, we have, Tuesday, 1th October 2024. All my Reels and Postings are Selfmade and posted! And the Content is mine with, in most adding of the in Socialmedia App found Music and Gifs! It's worth to mention Zorrolino! Who knows Zorrolino? Zorro! Who knows the Justicemaker? Pass through Jesus/Yeshua/Keshua! Massimo Antonio Massian! "2xNicastro" Nigro Natale "Arcangelis" here Writing and Performing, Speaking and Creating and much more of my Arts of Life, Lifearts. Today, we have Tuesday, 1th October 2024. I am a Superconcepts-Creator, Writer and more, in a Sense Entrepreneur too! Here three of my newest Words: The Sisiphus-Godtask, Propedeumfect, Deumfect, deumfectlike and here of my Superconcepts: La Leone Celestiale - The Lion Celestiale - The Celestial Lion ?? my Supercar Concept of true Special Ecological Supercar Waterelectrohybrid Concept, with my new never heard Engine and Carconcept of Longdistance Travel, without a Stop having to do! It's recorded in Spec https://lnkd.in/dfp2-7iv
Drago Kulic
Powerful Tools to Assist with Our Divine Mission,June 6, 2024, by Patricia Cota-Robles https://lnkd.in/geCmBESV Our Father-Mother God have confirmed that, with the greatly enhanced collaboration taking place between the Legions of Light from our Grand Central Sun and Awakening Humanity, the preparation for our Divine Mission is moving forward at warp speed. Every person’s I AM Presence has been empowered to use this Light to ignite, in new ways, the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Structures that are forming within our Earthly Bodies. This is greatly accelerating the Divine Alchemy taking place in our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Every person’s I AM Presence is assimilating the very highest frequencies of this Solar Light that we can withstand at a cellular level. This is a necessary process in order for us to be ready to accomplish the Mission at hand by August 2024. Some Lightworkers are experiencing very uncomfortable symptoms which are causing stress, fear, anxiety and even some very painful moments. Our I AM Presence will never take us to levels of vibration that are harmful, however, we are being taken to the very highest levels of vibration we can safely withstand. Our Earthly Bodies are instrumental in this facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan. The greatest need of the hour involves Cocreating a shift of Consciousness that will allow Humanity’s I AM Presences to Awaken..
Ernest McNeil Jr
Luke 2:32 KJV; A light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of Thy people Israel. ?????? Using biblical and historical events Moments Of Clarity offers exactly what the title suggests. Providing simple and precise explanations of key points in history and religion giving clarity. Being reasonably priced Moments Of Clarity is an undervalued gem in the sea of knowledge. ?????? Moments Of Clarity: linktr.ee/DivineRevelation #momentsofclarity #divinerevelation #thefirstshallnolongerbelast #topoftherockent
Ernest McNeil Jr
Palms 51:11 KJV; Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Moments Of Clarity: linktr.ee/DivineRevelation #TopOfTheRockEnt #MomentsOfClarity #history #religion #spirituality #truthbetold #spiritual #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #ancienttruth #ancientknowledge #divinerevelation #divineknowledge #divinetruth #divineawakening #divineguidance #TheFirstShallNoLongerBeLast
Drago Kulic
Astrology for the Soul June 19, 2024 https://lnkd.in/gfbiCQVt If I want to be miserable, I can think about everything that’s wrong, And if I want to improve my day, I can dance and sing a song. Let’s welcome in the Solstice full Moon in Capricorn! Sun joining Venus/Mercury in Cancer says it’s all about what’s going inside that counts. Moon in Capricorn says it’s all about bringing order, structure, and commitment to the outside. Do we change the world or change ourselves? Are we here to serve others or grow and evolve within? The answer is, BOTH! Gotta balance the outside with inside, the profession and the career, helping others with helping ourselves. The trouble is that our cultural conditioning has been and is lopsidedly focused on profession, giving to others, going to work, and doing what we’re told by external authorities that want us to PRODUCE. Time to take a step back and see just how balanced you are and whether you are giving your life away or not. Are you spending as much time with yourself as you are with everybody else? Are you as committed to yourself as you are to the boss, family, or beloved? Are you as aware of your feelings as you are of your thoughts? If not, then expect some domestic strife to arise and show you where you are over or underdoing it. If you’re working too hard to the exclusion of a personal life, you’ll have family, domestic, and emotional problems. If you’re too into yourself, your feelings, security needs, and emotions, you’ll have a professional crisis to get your attention. The more balanced with personal and professional, the fewer personal or professional problems we’ll have! Check it out - it’s true!