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  • ArtWorks Cincinnati图片

    Board Member & Chair, Friend Raiser

    ArtWorks Cincinnati

    - 5 年


    Founded in 1996, ArtWorks is an award-winning non-profit organization that employs and trains local youth and talent to create art and community impact through three strategic programming areas: Public Art, including an extensive mural program; an art therapy division, ArtRx; and an entrepreneurial arm, Creative Enterprise. ArtWorks is the largest visual arts employer in the region. To date, ArtWorks has hired over 3,300 area youth, 2,700 professional local artists, and trained nearly 600…

    Founded in 1996, ArtWorks is an award-winning non-profit organization that employs and trains local youth and talent to create art and community impact through three strategic programming areas: Public Art, including an extensive mural program; an art therapy division, ArtRx; and an entrepreneurial arm, Creative Enterprise. ArtWorks is the largest visual arts employer in the region. To date, ArtWorks has hired over 3,300 area youth, 2,700 professional local artists, and trained nearly 600 creative entrepreneurs.

  • VP Membership, Sustainer, Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, Strategic Plan

    Junior League of Louisville

    - 15 年


    The Junior League of Louisville, Inc., is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, to developing the potential of women, and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

  • Co-Founder, Leader


    - 5 年


    A social organization dedicated to creating opportunities for young professionals to interact with visual art and artists in a fun, yet informative way.

  • Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft图片

    Communications Chair, Bourbon Ball Committee

    Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft

    - 6 年


    KMAC Museum is a contemporary art museum located in Louisville's historic downtown on Museum Row.

    ?The Museum explores the relationship between art and craft by identifying art as big idea and craft as the intersection between process, materials and labor.

    Our goal is to educate and inspire while promoting a better understanding of art through exhibitions, education and collections.

  • Cincinnati Shakespeare Company图片

    Board Member

    Cincinnati Shakespeare Company


    Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is a resident ensemble theatre company bringing Shakespeare and the Classics to life for audiences of all ages.


  • 2015 Senior Fellow

    Design Futures Council

    The Design Futures Council Senior Fellowship is granted annually to outstanding individuals who have provided noteworthy leadership to the advancement of design and related professions. Senior Fellows of the DFC are recognized for significant contributions toward the understanding of changing trends, new research, and applied knowledge that improve the built environment and the human condition.



  • Society of Environmental Graphic Design Regional Conference

    Member, Planning Committee




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美国中其他姓名为Valerie Jacobs的会员

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