#ATS #AchievingTrueSelf's #FeatureFriday spotlight is on ... Bradley Lind, Behavior Consultant! (BC-ABA)
Current Work Area: Cumberland, Dauphin, and York, PA
Hometown: Etters, PA
Joined ATS In: January 2024
A Little Bit About Bradley: "Married for 15 years. Two kids: Cassie is 14, and Josh is 9. We have 2 bunnies (Flops and Flips), and 2 cats (Tara and Tia). Our whole family is obsessed with anything penguin-related with lots of penguins around the house and know lots of penguin facts."
What Bradley Does In His Free Time: "Right now, our free time is spent almost exclusively doing marching band activities. My wife is on the executive board for the music boosters. Cassie plays the vibraphone in the band, and I help make and put together props that are used for all the football games and marching band competitions. So during marching band season, 3 evenings a week are spent at the school for band, with most Saturdays being at competitions, which can last all day (with getting props set up/made and loading the trailers) and not getting home till midnight or later on some weekends from competitions (Nationals are at MetLife Stadium, and we don't get home until after 4:00 am). Life and free time is scheduled around band. But it's good busy, and we enjoy all band has done for our family and the commitment we have to it."
What Bradley Enjoys Most at ATS, and What He Is Looking Forward To: "I had 8 years of prior experience as a BC before coming to ATS. So I have a good sense for what the job entails overall. While the work is still the work and challenging at times, I have enjoyed how supported that I feel at ATS. I don't feel like I'm doing this on my own and can ask for questions and support whenever needed. I am looking forward to continuing to remain at ATS for the rest of my working career and hope to build a solid footprint in York County while at ATS, which was similar to the footprint I had at my previous position as a BC in the county."