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??Valuing personal relationships and helping others to support and build great…






  • Dallas Fractional CFO



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  • Spears School of Business - Oklahoma State University图片


    Spears School of Business - Oklahoma State University

    - 至今 1 年


    OSU Spears Mentoring Program allows students to reach out to alumni with questions or brainstorming as they work through their career path decisions and tackle class projects that require interviews from professionals in their respective fields. I am a HUGE Oklahoma State fan and alumni and would do anything to help a fellow Cowboy so this has been an incredibly rewarding opportunity for me.

  • Church of the Incarnation图片

    Volunteer Lead

    Church of the Incarnation

    - 至今 15 年

    Serve both as an usher as well as a volunteer lead for Sunday morning services.

  • Mockingbird Dads Club图片

    Former President

    Mockingbird Dads Club

    - 6 年


    Mockingbird Dads Club is a 501(c)3 founded to build community around the neighborhoods surrounding Mockingbird Elementary. We promote volunteering on the school campus, build community, and donate and add to the campus at the school. We run a weekly math club for students, host community social events like bowling leagues, cornhole tournaments and campouts, and work to beautify the campus and donate time and funding to enhance the experience for the students.
    - Created involvement through…

    Mockingbird Dads Club is a 501(c)3 founded to build community around the neighborhoods surrounding Mockingbird Elementary. We promote volunteering on the school campus, build community, and donate and add to the campus at the school. We run a weekly math club for students, host community social events like bowling leagues, cornhole tournaments and campouts, and work to beautify the campus and donate time and funding to enhance the experience for the students.
    - Created involvement through recruiting Dads, Uncles and other men in the community who are willing to get involved and give their time for the betterment of the children at our local elementary.
    - Developed website for online donations and an information hub for our community.
    - Built relationships with community leaders to bring together local organizations that work in tandem to support our elementary schools.
    - Managed a volunteer run morning math club for kids once a week at the school to enhance math skills using fun games with grade level dads and parents.
    - Managed alongside others a weekend Campout with kids and their father figures.
    - Participated in cross organization executive committee meetings to work together to better the school & campus.
    - Managed immediate needs of staff during COVID reopening.
    - Additional managed projects include school campus cleanups, teach appreciation meals and givebacks, Field Day parent management, kids snacks and staff meals, and other one off projects requested by the school staff.



    Youth Baseball Coach


    - 4 年 11 个月


    Youth coaching. Developing players and friendships for our community.

  • YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas图片

    Youth Soccer Coach

    YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

    - 2 年 4 个月


    I've assisted in coaching my son's team the past 3 seasons and I am now coaching his school's Kindergarten Soccer team. I really enjoy coaching and having the opportunity to spend time with my son and his friends. It is amazing to watch these kids learn and become better at a sport and see how it increases their confidence.

  • Website Designer

    The Learning Tree School

    - 5 年


    East Dallas Pre-K school web and social media presence to help drive awareness and increase student numbers. www.thelearningtree.school

  • CoFounder

    Sharon Wetz Breast Cancer Foundation

    - 7 年 5 个月


    Helping patients and their families deal with the struggles brought on by a diagnosis with breast cancer. We help support shortfalls in local organizations that care for the patient and their family.


  • Honorary Life Membership

    Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers


  • Mockingbird Dads Club


    - 至今

    www.mockingbirddads.com Mockingbird Dads brings a community of father figures supporting our local elementary school together for community and to help build a better school and learning environment for our local schools.




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