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★ Nationally recognized, innovative & visionary Executive Director & President…





  • Freshwater Innovation Fund



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  • Advisory Committee Member

    US Department of Commerce

    - 至今 6 年 1 个月



    The Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee (ETTAC) advises the Environmental Trade Working Group of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, through the Secretary of Commerce, on the development and administration of programs to expand U.S. exports of environmental technologies, goods, services and products. Here you will find information about the Committee's charters, meetings and activities.

  • City of Oberlin图片

    ? Planning Commissioner

    City of Oberlin

    - 3 年


    Appointed by City Council. The Planning Commission considers a wide variety of current planning and long range or policy planning matters. Current planning matters include recommendations to rezone certain properties, Zoning Code text amendments, the approval of final subdivision plats, the
    consideration of site plans for buildings and building additions, requests for Conditional Use Permits, and various sign proposals. With respect to long range or policy planning, the Commission strives to…

    Appointed by City Council. The Planning Commission considers a wide variety of current planning and long range or policy planning matters. Current planning matters include recommendations to rezone certain properties, Zoning Code text amendments, the approval of final subdivision plats, the
    consideration of site plans for buildings and building additions, requests for Conditional Use Permits, and various sign proposals. With respect to long range or policy planning, the Commission strives to maintain an updated Comprehensive Plan and implement that Plan, as well as contemporary zoning and design guidelines for development.

  • City of Oberlin图片

    ? President, Oberlin Community Improvement Corporation

    City of Oberlin

    - 6 年


    The Oberlin Community Improvement Corporation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Oberlin Oh. The purpose of the OCIC is to be active in the physical, social and economic revitalization of Oberlin and the communities surrounding it.

  • City of Chicago图片

    ? Commissioner - Commissioner (Appointment by Mayor Richard Daley), Special Service Area #29

    City of Chicago

    - 3 年


    Appointed by Mayor Richard Daley as Commissioner to Special Service Area #29 in Chicago's West Town Neighborhood. The Special Service Area (SSA) is an economic development tool, created by state statute and city ordinance, which allows extra real estate property taxes to be collected to fund added services for a defined area. It is the only taxing body in which property owners choose to be assessed and have direct decision-making authority on the use of those funds. SSA taxpayers cooperatively…

    Appointed by Mayor Richard Daley as Commissioner to Special Service Area #29 in Chicago's West Town Neighborhood. The Special Service Area (SSA) is an economic development tool, created by state statute and city ordinance, which allows extra real estate property taxes to be collected to fund added services for a defined area. It is the only taxing body in which property owners choose to be assessed and have direct decision-making authority on the use of those funds. SSA taxpayers cooperatively plan, provide, benefit from, and pay for services within their own area. SSA-funded services focus on the public way and are in addition to services generally provided by the City.
    SSAs exist throughout the USA, as well as in other parts of the world, and are more commonly known as Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). There have been more than 50 SSAs within the City of Chicago and 800 nationwide.

  • City of Oberlin图片

    ? Civil Service Commission

    City of Oberlin

    - 2 年


    Appointed to a five member commission that conducts practical and impartial examinations, provide a list of eligible employees and arrange for promotions to positions within the Classified Service and hears appeals on disciplinary matters involving Oberlin municipal employees.


  • ? Interim President of Team Lorain County

    Interim President as Team Lorain County reassess its strategy for 2014 and beyond.


  • Smart 50 Awards: Smart Lake Erie

    US Ignite

    Recognition by NSF funded program for work on making Lake Erie the first Smart and Connected Great Lake

  • Best of Tech Award: Greater Cleveland

    Greater Cleveland Partnership

    Recognition for creation of water technology accelerator

  • Great Lakes Leadership Award: Water Technology Innovation

    Great Lakes Protection Fund

    Data about water are becoming more available across the Great Lakes. The Smart Lake Erie Initiative, founded by the Cleveland Water Alliance, is leading the way in collecting and managing water data about Lake Erie and making it available to decision-makers.

  • ? Leadership in Sustainability and Climate Action

    City of Cleveland


  • ? City of Oberlin

    Planning Commissioner

  • Oberlin Community Investment Corporation

    Board President





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