Are You Living in Tomorrow Land?
Each one of us has things that we want or need to do that we put off until "Tomorrow." The problem is that too often, tomorrow becomes never. I've witnessed this in abundance with people wanting to start a business, visit loved ones, take a real vacation, write a book, lose many goals and desires that get put off as if time is waiting on us. Ugly truth...time waits for no one.
The procrastination isn't too painful until death slaps us in the face. When our mortality is undeniable and the question arises, "If I died today, would I feel fulfilled and accomplished?" Most people will be torn on their answers. Maybe they'd answer yes to professionally and no to personally or vice versa? Perhaps they'd answer no? Maybe we'd even get a few that would answer yes? The only answer that matters is how you'd answer.
Typically, I'm not a procrastinator. I'm more of a jump in the boiling grease and let's see how I can make things happen. There is one thing that I've been putting off and off and off that I've wanted to do, run a marathon. The only time I've enjoyed running is when I've had a soccer ball at my feet or one was being passed to me...but I've never just ran just to run. For the past few years, I've had it as a goal and put it off until tomorrow, which of course turned into never. I've justified it by telling myself my knee hurts and I don't want to irritate it, or, my sports bra isn't doing a good enough job and I'll knock myself out if I don't have the proper gear. The ironic thing is that I coach people to achieve incredible goals and here I am bullshitting myself! I guess it's kind of like they say about a person that defends themselves in court has a fool for a client...maybe it's the same for coaches?
I'm putting my money where my mouth is and have made a plan and set a schedule to run in and finish a marathon in 2019. Not the 26 mile marathon, but a 5K marathon. If I'm traveling 26 miles, it'll be in a car! Now, if I never actually run this race, would I die unsatisfied? Probably not, but why not give it all I've got while I've got a lot to give?
It doesn't matter who you are, what level of success you're have at least one thing that you've been putting off! Maybe you've had a goal to travel across the World? Maybe you've had a goal to lose weight? Climb a mountain? Sing a Pearl Jam song in the rain to the love of your life? Whatever it's time to take action!
Ask yourself these questions:
What is my actual goal? - You're probably thinking, "Duh," well let me tell you, most goals are not achieved because they've not been finely defined. Write down your goal in its entirety, down to the itty bitty details. Your goal should be so clear to you that you can visualize it as if you're watching a movie.
What can I do each day that'll bring me closer to my goal? - Keep this answer simple and doable. You want to set yourself up for success. What will you actually do each and every day? For me, I'm dedicating 1 hour a day to getting myself into shape. If I set a goal to run 5 miles a day, I'd not only be setting myself up for failure, I'd be digging my own grave. Remember, you can always add more to this answer once you've consistently achieved the action you've written down.
Who do I know that's achieved this or a similar goal? - Surround yourself with people that have achieved what you want to achieve. Most people are more than happy to answer questions, support your journey with advice and motivation, and help you stay accountable. Other people are a resource that isn't used enough. You don't want to bother them. They're probably busy. You aren't asking them to take you to the airport or help you're complimenting their achievement and considering them an expert of sorts! Who would get annoyed by that? Not many people, I'm guaranteeing that. Most people will be flattered and eager to lend any help they can.
Why does this goal matter to me? - This is the big question! What will achieving this goal do for me? What will it do to me if I don't achieve it? This is the question and answer that'll get you off your tush when you're creating a slew of excuses for yourself and keep you on track to your goal. Why does this goal matter to you?
Whatever your goal is, it is important enough to be one of your goals so treat it as such. There is a reason you've chosen this goal. If it was important enough to make your list, it's important enough for you to achieve.
On your journey, remind yourself often that this is your life and your goals. Surround yourself with positive people that want to see you exceed your own expectation. Remove the negative nu-nu's from your circle immediately. You are worthy of achieving all your goals, big and small. Stay focused, resilient, flexible, and determined and you will have multiple successes!
I'd love to hear about your goals in the comments. If you enjoyed this article, please share it. Thank you for reading and don't forget to enjoy the heck out of your journey! #Motivation #Goals #ExecutiveCoaching
Debbie Dickerson is an Executive Life Coach that predominately works with high level professionals that desire more success and happiness, personally and professionally.
If you are interested in learning more about my individual or group coaching services, please contact me to schedule a brief consultation.
DON'T MISS OUT! I've put together an incredibly effective individual coaching 12 week program that focuses on creating work/life harmony (See flyer below). Time slots are filling up quickly, please contact me today if you're interested.
Debbie Dickerson - Executive Life Coach