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Senior Brand Manager with a concentration in Mobile Apps and SaaS with 9+ years of…


  • Acme Smoked Fish Corp



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  • Honors with Distinction

    College of Letters and Science

    To be eligible for Distinction, students must complete 60 or more credits at UW-Madison and earn a cumulative grade point average that places them within the top 20 percent of their graduating class.

  • Deans List 2009-2012

    Gary D. Sandefur

    This honor is bestowed on students who carried at least twelve graded degree credits with a grade point average of 3.6 for freshman and sophomores, and 3.85 for juniors and seniors.


  • UW Hillel Member



    Hillel at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is home to over 5,000 Jewish students on campus and provides programs and activities for the campus community at large.

  • Sigma Delta Tau

    Social Chair


    Organized socials for sorority with multiple fraternities, planned themed parties, semi-formal, formal, and various philanthropies such as a Bake for the Quake whose proceeds went to Haiti and the Black & White Event whose proceeds went to Child Abuse in America Foundation Worked with event coordinators at various locations such as the Overture Center, the Monona Terrace, and Madison Avenue Responsibilities included hiring DJ, caterer, transportation, security, renting out and decorating space



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美国中其他姓名为Stephanie Zucker的会员

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