Stephen Suffian

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Stephen Suffian is currently a software engineer at WattCarbon. WattCarbon believes that…




  • WattCarbon



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  • LIFT, Inc.图片


    LIFT, Inc.

    - 1 年

    Economic Empowerment

    LIFT’s mission is to help community members achieve economic stability and well-being. We are working to establish a new standard for holistic and enduring solutions in our country’s fight against poverty. LIFT operates resource centers in six cities across the nation where members of the community can come get help. Nearly 100,000 Members in six major cities have already committed to do the hard work needed to achieve their goals--and it is working. LIFT is putting an average of $1,300 back…

    LIFT’s mission is to help community members achieve economic stability and well-being. We are working to establish a new standard for holistic and enduring solutions in our country’s fight against poverty. LIFT operates resource centers in six cities across the nation where members of the community can come get help. Nearly 100,000 Members in six major cities have already committed to do the hard work needed to achieve their goals--and it is working. LIFT is putting an average of $1,300 back into the pockets of struggling families so that they can make ends meet.


  • Agricultural Technology Commercialization: Stakeholders, Business Models, and Abiotic Stressors Part 1

    International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    A wide range of innovative technologies have emerged to facilitate the creation, expansion, and streamlining of Food Value Chains (FVCs) in developing countries. These technologies target agricultural production, processing, storage, marketing, distribution, and consumption. Technology has the potential to bolster food security and make FVCs more efficient. Commercialization of technologies requires sound business strategies for products to sustain. A typology of business models is presented to…

    A wide range of innovative technologies have emerged to facilitate the creation, expansion, and streamlining of Food Value Chains (FVCs) in developing countries. These technologies target agricultural production, processing, storage, marketing, distribution, and consumption. Technology has the potential to bolster food security and make FVCs more efficient. Commercialization of technologies requires sound business strategies for products to sustain. A typology of business models is presented to assist entrepreneurs in integrating their technologies into FVCs. The impacts of abiotic stressors like access to capital, supply chain resiliency, and ownership dynamics are discussed to help entrepreneurs develop strategies for their own agricultural ventures.

    • Arianna De Reus
    • Curtis Eckard
    • Amy Copley
    • Khanjan Mehta
  • Pilot Results of a Telemedicine Social Franchise in Rural Kenya: Evidence of Sustainable Livelihood Creation

    Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact 2014, HumTech2014

    Mashavu: Networked Health Solutions increases access to pre-primary health services, provides personal health information tracking, and income-generation opportunities to women in rural Kenya. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of Mashavu, a healthcare social franchise, to create sustainable livelihoods for its employees in rural Kenya. The research team conducted two pilots of the Mashavu system in a rural Kenyan community. While the initial pilot protected Mashavu Health…

    Mashavu: Networked Health Solutions increases access to pre-primary health services, provides personal health information tracking, and income-generation opportunities to women in rural Kenya. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of Mashavu, a healthcare social franchise, to create sustainable livelihoods for its employees in rural Kenya. The research team conducted two pilots of the Mashavu system in a rural Kenyan community. While the initial pilot protected Mashavu Health Workers (MHWs) from the financial risks of taking a new service to the market, the second pilot removed employee income subsidies. The removal of subsidies after the conclusion of the first pilot led to a divergence in monthly wages for the MHWs. While one MHW retained consistent monthly income by increasing the number of days worked monthly and the number of clients seen, a second MHW retained a largely consistent schedule without significantly increasing the number of clients daily and experienced a 600 KSH (29%) decrease in monthly wages. Following a period of employee incubation from financial risk, the MHWs consistently involved in the program were able to continue to generate income through Mashavu.

  • Agricultural Technology Commercialization: Stakeholders, Business Models, and Abiotic Stressors. Part 2

    International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Innovative agricultural technologies that bolster Food Value Chains (FVCs) in developing countries can improve the livelihoods of millions of people while furthering food security. The first part of this article described a typology of business models that entrepreneurs can employ to integrate their technologies into FVCs. This part completes the typology by describing business models that leverage partnerships with entities like financing agencies, educational institutions, and localized…

    Innovative agricultural technologies that bolster Food Value Chains (FVCs) in developing countries can improve the livelihoods of millions of people while furthering food security. The first part of this article described a typology of business models that entrepreneurs can employ to integrate their technologies into FVCs. This part completes the typology by describing business models that leverage partnerships with entities like financing agencies, educational institutions, and localized manufacturing facilities to enhance access to the technology product. The impacts of abiotic stressors like access to capital, supply chain resiliency, and ownership dynamics are discussed with the objective of helping entrepreneurs make informed business strategy decisions. The article culminates with a discussion on how various models in the typology can be integrated to yield hybrid approaches that overcome diverse stressors while maximizing the venture's potential for long-term sustainability and large-scale impact.

    • Arianna De Reus
    • Curtis Eckard
    • Amy Copley
    • Khanjan Mehta
  • Increasing Grid Flexibility Through Improved Electricity Demand Prediction in Nicaragua

    IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2015

    Renewable energy provides an increasingly significant contribution to power production around the globe. The variable and uncertain nature of renewable energy, however, requires increased grid flexibility to reliably match electricity supply with demand. On average, wind energy accounts for 20% of Nicaragua’s total generation, and can produce up to 50% within a given hour. Under the renewable energy regime fuel-oil generators are the main source of grid flexibility. Information-driven…

    Renewable energy provides an increasingly significant contribution to power production around the globe. The variable and uncertain nature of renewable energy, however, requires increased grid flexibility to reliably match electricity supply with demand. On average, wind energy accounts for 20% of Nicaragua’s total generation, and can produce up to 50% within a given hour. Under the renewable energy regime fuel-oil generators are the main source of grid flexibility. Information-driven flexibility, such as improved demand prediction, can be used to reduce the need of fuel-oil based flexibility without affecting reliability. This paper evaluates and compares the use of multiple linear regression (MLR) and support vector regression (SVR) in their ability to minimize electricity demand forecast error in Nicaragua. We find SVR reduces the mean absolute percent error of prediction to 3.8%, compared with MLR (7.7%). SVR further performs a prediction with 21% less error than the current prediction mechanism employed by the utility. Finally, we discuss how improved prediction algorithms can be used to reduce Nicaragua’s dependency on fuel-oil for flexibility, while also reducing costs for the utility.

  • Leveraging Informal Lending Mechanisms to Facilitate Technology Transfer and Microenterprise in Developing Communities

    Technology in Society/Elsevier

    This article discusses how Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs or merry-go-rounds) can concurrently overcome four challenges faced by small enterprises in developing communities: access to financial capital, technology transfer, vertical and lateral knowledge transfer, and reliable market linkages. Based on primary data from Kenya, three models of partnership between ROSCAs and diverse external organizations are presented and compared against each other. These approaches are…

    This article discusses how Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs or merry-go-rounds) can concurrently overcome four challenges faced by small enterprises in developing communities: access to financial capital, technology transfer, vertical and lateral knowledge transfer, and reliable market linkages. Based on primary data from Kenya, three models of partnership between ROSCAs and diverse external organizations are presented and compared against each other. These approaches are designed to help ROSCA groups engage in small enterprises, while creating business opportunities for agricultural technology manufacturers and the formal banking industry. The ultimate purpose of such collaborations is to improve rural livelihoods, strengthen food value chains, and foster food security.



  • Climate Change and Sustainability

    EGR 7110

  • Control Systems Engineering

    ECE 8320

  • Economic and Economic and Social Equity Integrators

    EGR 7112

  • Electric Machines

    ECE 8800

  • Introduction to Photonics


  • Life Cycle/Impact Assessment

    EGR 7111

  • Mobile Computing and Wireless Networking


  • Power Electronics

    ECE 8580

  • Power System Modeling

    ECE 8810

  • Renewable Energy Systems

    ECE 7800



  • Swahili

    初级 (入门)

  • Spanish

    初级 (入门)


  • New Leaders Council


    - 至今

    New Leaders Council (NLC) is a 501(c)(3) that works to recruit, train and promote the progressive political entrepreneurs of tomorrow — trendsetters, elected officials and civically-engaged leaders in business and industry who will shape the future landscape.




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