BHP FoundationµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
BHP Foundation

BHP Foundation


Driving transformational and sustainable change through collaboration and innovation.


The BHP Foundation works to address some of the world��s most critical sustainable development challenges. We are a charitable foundation funded by BHP and through our programs we address challenges that are directly relevant to the resources sector. To contribute to the scale of change required to make a systemic difference to the challenges the world is facing, innovation and collaboration sit at the heart of our model. We invest in potential game-changing projects, which if successful, can drive transformational change, and we collaborate by building cross sector partnerships, bringing together the combined expertise of industry, civil society, governments and international institutions. We do this because we recognize no one sector or organization can achieve the scale of change required. Across our portfolio we focus on three global issues where we believe we can have the greatest impact - the governance of natural resources, environmental resilience and equity in education. We complement these with country programs in Australia, Canada, Chile and the United States where we aim to improve long-term economic, social and environmental sustainability at a national level.

11-50 ��
Washington DC


BHP FoundationԱ��


  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    The Indigenous Desert Alliance is building the largest Indigenous-led connected conservation network on Earth - to keep Australia��s outback healthy for the benefit of future generations. ? Take a look at the IDA conference video for a glimpse of this incredible network caring for country.

    ²é¿´Indigenous Desert AllianceµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    The IDA Conference is the largest gathering of Indigenous rangers in Australia with 423 delegates from 54 ranger groups making the journey to the red centre. The conference theme was ��A decade of connection��, to celebrate 10 years of connecting, learning and working together as an alliance and network. A big focus of the conference was strengthening the alliance, yarning about matters of regional importance, sharing information and most importantly, connecting with each other. ��It was such a powerful thing to come together, all working for the same values. Caring for Country, continuing with Culture and supporting Community." Boyd Elston, IDA Chair The IDA would like thank the sponsors of the 2024 IDA Conference �C BHP, The Nature Conservancy, Westpac, Ulu?u-Kata Tju?a National Park, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the BHP Foundation. ?? Salty Davenport

  • BHP Foundationת����

    ²é¿´Fundaci¨®n ChileµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    Habilitando la colaboraci��n para el fortalecimiento de comunidades costeras ??. Recientemente, se realiz�� el Encuentro de la Red de Comunidades Costeras de Chile, con Caletas Sustentables y BHP Foundation en Antofagasta, una instancia clave para fortalecer la colaboraci��n entre iniciativas que cuentan con el apoyo de BHP Foundation y son implementadas por Fundaci��n Chile, TNC Chile y Fundaci��n Capital Azul ??. ?Cu��l fue el objetivo del encuentro? ?? Conectar a las personas y organizaciones detr��s de cada iniciativa. ?? Intercambiar experiencias y aprendizajes. ?? Identificar intereses comunes para potenciar la colaboraci��n. ?? Establecer la misi��n, visi��n y objetivos de la Red. Con esta iniciativa estamos construyendo una red m��s fuerte, enfocada en generar impacto positivo en las comunidades costeras y en sus ecosistemas ??. Claudia Razeto Pavez Alejandra Garces Nicole Maturana Ram��rez Ignacio Santelices Ruiz

  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    A locally-led, innovative approach to fisheries management that supports social and economic development in a sustainable way. ?? With 140,000 fisherfolk dependent upon sustainable fisheries along Chile's impressive coastline, innovative approaches like this one shared by Fundaci��n Chile, offer a more equitable and sustainable future for people and planet. ?? We are proud to support this work through the Coastal Communities Network which fosters collaborative action towards innovative solutions that strengthen resilience in fishing communities in Chile. ? Please join us in celebrating this important milestone! ??

    ²é¿´Fundaci¨®n ChileµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    ?Promover el manejo sostenible de la pesca junto con el desarrollo social y econ��mico de las comunidades costeras de todo Chile! Ese es el objetivo de Caletas Sustentables, programa que identifica proyectos e iniciativas que generan alto valor social para el sector de la pesca y acuicultura a peque?a escala ??. En este contexto, nace un nuevo proyecto piloto en Caleta La Barra, ubicada en la ribera del r��o Tolt��n, desarrollado por Fundaci��n Chile y BHP Foundation. La iniciativa propone el dise?o e implementaci��n de un biodigestor para la generaci��n de biog��s a partir de v��sceras de Salm��n Chinook, como una forma de abordar las problem��ticas ambientales relacionadas con la gesti��n de estos residuos en la caleta ?? . La iniciativa es liderada por el sindicato de pescadores artesanales de Caleta La Barra, el cual est�� compuesto por cerca de 60 socios, siendo la ��nica organizaci��n en Chile autorizada para realizar la pesquer��a de este recurso con redes de enmalle en estuario. Con el proyecto, se espera beneficiar a una comunidad de 200 personas.

  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    Los Creadores is a national school innovation competition encouraging students in Chile to explore how technology can be used to improve the quality of life for people and the world around them. It is designed to help prepare underrepresented children and young people to participate in the economy of the future by: ?? developing digital skills to face the challenges of the 21st century and ??promoting early innovation, recognizing students will be our next generation of digital talents and leaders of society. Alejandra, who leads our investments in Chile, shared her thoughts below, following the award ceremony this week, as we all join in celebration of the students who participated, and with gratitude to the partner organizations that made this event possible.

    ²é¿´Alejandra GarcesµÄµµ°¸

    Chile Director BHP Foundation

    INNOVAR�� DESDE EL COLEGIO Cada vez que me toca estar en la premiaci��n del concurso de talento digital Los Creadores, que organiza Fundaci��n Kodea, El Mercurio, TVN (Televisi��n Nacional de Chile) y Medios Regionales salgo m��s convencida de que hay talento y creatividad en estudiantes de todos los rincones de nuestro pa��s. La directora ejecutiva de Kodea, Monica Retamal, coment�� en la premiaci��n que las postulaciones aumentaron un 30% en relaci��n a la versi��n 2023. Una clara muestra de que hay muchos estudiantes motivados por identificar problemas que los afectan y buscar soluciones. Y que la innovaci��n, para ellos, no es una palabra vac��a sino un motor que los impulsa a crecer y entregar lo mejor de si mismos. Este es uno de los proyectos que apoyamos con orgullo desde BHP Foundation. Porque no estimula el ��saberse toda la materia��, sino una educaci��n que se basa en formular buenas preguntas, en el an��lisis, y en el uso de la informaci��n disponible para ayudar a crear un mundo mejor. Este a?o de distingui�� tambi��n a dos profesores, que han destacado por impulsar esta mirada, que es la mirada de futuro. Aqu�� estoy entregando el premio al segundo lugar nacional, obtenido por el Colegio Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart de Collipulli y su proyecto S.I.M.A., soluci��n tecnol��gica para la prevenci��n de incendios. ?Un aplauso para ellos y para todos los estudiantes que sue?an con ser un aporte!?

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  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    The Community-Smart Consultation & Consent initiative supports greater inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in decisions about natural resource development. Take a look at this great resource that focuses on returning land to communities or local governments when an investment ends.

    ²é¿´Sustainable Minerals InstituteµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    What happens to land when an investment ends? A new resource from SMI��s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining and Landesa explores the concept of land return��a process where companies transfer land back to communities or local governments when investments end. Through the lens of a case study in Tanzania, it highlights: - The motivations behind land return. - Community and company perspectives. - Challenges, risks, and opportunities. -Practical lessons for responsible land transitions. ? Land is one of the most vital resources for #communities, #economies and ecosystems. Yet, the question of what happens to land at the conclusion of large-scale investments has received far less attention than its initial acquisition. ?? ? The resource is produced as part of the Community-Smart Consultation & Consent Project (CSCC) funded by the?BHP Foundation?and implemented by?Landesa?in partnership with CSRM,?RESOLVE, and?Conservation International.?

  • BHP Foundationת����

    ²é¿´Victoria ThomµÄµµ°¸

    Country Director, BHP Foundation | Social impact, systems change & multi-stakeholder partnering specialist

    Last week marked 10 years of Australian Desert rangers gathering to share learning and building a unified voice. The 2024 Indigenous Desert Alliance Conference brought together over 400 people and 53 ranger groups in Yulara, NT to share insights, strengthen connections and develop approaches to keep people and country healthy. ? IDA is building a thriving Indigenous land management network across more than 30% of Australian's landmass. These desert areas are one of the largest, most culturally connected and environmentally significant on the planet. ? Big thanks to Sam Murray and the awesome IDA team for having us and well done on your continuing efforts to ensure the voices of desert mob are kept at the heart of governance, decision-making and strategy. Palya! ? Photo credit: IDA BHP Foundation #2024idaconference #Indigenousgovernance #selfdetermination #partnering #naturemarkets

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  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    The Indigenous Governance Awards spotlight the strength of Indigenous leadership and governance in self-determining better futures for communities around Australia. BHP Foundation is proud to partner with Reconciliation Australia and the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute who have built these Awards since 2005, enabling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organizations to share, learn, and build cross-sector partnerships. ? Our team - including CEO Kristen Ray, our COO Maya Donevska and Australia Country Director Victoria Thom �C shared messages of support and collaborative action at the RAP Conference and the IGAs in Meanjin (Brisbane). Alongside our donor, BHP, we heard finalists�� stories about how their governance practices are driving change with and for communities. ?? ? As Maya said in her address, ��We can all learn from how you walk in two worlds - balancing culture and stakeholder needs with the demands of Western governance.�� Learn about the finalists on YouTube or RA��s website ?? ?? credit: Tom Hoy, Wirrim Media

    • Indigenous Governance Awards finalists and judges
    • BHP Foundation Chief Operating Officer Maya Donevska
    • BHP Foundation Australia Country Director, Victoria Thom (far right)
    • BHP Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Kristen Ray
    • Some of the BHP Foundation team and colleagues from BHP
  • BHP Foundationת����

    ²é¿´Alejandra GarcesµÄµµ°¸

    Chile Director BHP Foundation

    COLABORACI��N REAL No es posible hablar de colaboraci��n radical sin una buena comunicaci��n entre las partes. Es parte de lo que vivimos ayer en #EfectoColectivo, el programa que impulsa REimagina Fundaci��n con el apoyo de BHP Foundation. Fue una doble jornada de conversaci��n. En la ma?ana, las 21 organizaciones que forman parte de Efecto Colectivo participaron en la tercera sesi��n de Aceleraci��n de Impacto, donde pudieron compartir ideas sobre c��mo avanzar hacia la ambiciosa meta de transformar la educaci��n en Chile. Despu��s de almuerzo, los participantes se reunieron con el Consejo Asesor de Efecto Colectivo, que conoci�� de primera fuente y en profundidad los avances de los ocho proyectos en curso y sus modelos de escalamiento. Fue un di��logo enriquecedor, donde todos pudimos aportar con nuestra visi��n, experiencia, dudas e inquietudes. ?Vamos por m��s!?

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  • BHP Foundationת����

    ²é¿´Fundaci¨®n Capital Azul µÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    ?? ?Se viene el 2do Encuentro Internacional de #refugiosmarinos! ???Desde el 5 al 7 de noviembre nos reuniremos con comunidades pesqueras, cient��ficos, autoridades y organizaciones de Chile y M��xico para intercambiar experiencias sobre la #conservaci��nmarina. ?? El evento cuenta con el apoyo de BHP Foundation y el Instituto Milenio SECOS, y la colaboraci��n de los sindicatos de la #pescaartesanal asociados al programa de Refugios Marinos. ? Este a?o, el Encuentro se centrar�� en normativa legal, vigilancia costera y monitoreo de biodiversidad, ejes fundamentales para fortalecer los Refugios Marinos en Chile y su impacto positivo en las #comunidades costeras. ?? ��Estamos muy ilusionados con lo que podamos aprender en esta oportunidad. Se pueden propiciar conversaciones con las que podemos mirar hacia el futuro tomando como base lo que ya ha pasado este a?o, como el hecho de que los Refugios Marinos fueran reconocidos en la Ley Bent��nica, lo que abre una nueva etapa para los Refugios Marinos y tambi��n para su implementaci��n formal dentro de los planes de seguimiento de las ��reas de Manejo y Explotaci��n de Recursos Bent��nicos��, coment�� Rodrigo Sanchez Grez, director ejecutivo de Fundaci��n Capital Azul. ?? ��Las comunidades pesqueras conocen mejor que nadie la importancia de proteger nuestros recursos marinos. Los Refugios Marinos no solo contribuyen a la biodiversidad, sino que tambi��n a mejorar la calidad de la pesca��, destac�� Natalio Godoy Salinas, de The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Chile. ?? ?Sigamos construyendo juntos un mar sostenible! ???Conoce m��s aqu��: #conservaci��n #biodiversidad

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  • ²é¿´BHP FoundationµÄ×éÖ¯Ö÷Ò³

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    Are you seeing posts about #COP16 in your feed but want to know the basics? Ampliseed has put together this 'beginner's guide' for BHP Foundation partners and members of the Ampliseed learning and leadership network - some of whom are in Colombia attending themselves. Learn more ??

