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Two-time CEO, now social impact executive director and college professor, focused on…




  • The Kogod School of Business at American University



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  • "Champion"

    Forte Foundation

    - 至今 5 年 3 个月


    Forté launches women into fulfilling, significant careers through access to business education, professional development, and a community of successful women. Forté's alliance links talented women, influential companies, leading universities and business schools, and pioneering donors. Together these important players commit to advancing women in business.

  • Co-founder

    Community Coaching Alliance

    - 3 年 5 个月


    In the summer of 2013, while watching a game of college baseball players play with Gonzaga head baseball coach Andy Bradley and my son Ethan, we came up with an idea for a way to send professional coaches into under-served areas, much like Teach for America does with teachers. The Community Coaching Alliance was born that day, created with the help of our parent organization, the DC Batter Up! The CCA sends professional coaches, and high school baseball players, into under-served areas of…

    In the summer of 2013, while watching a game of college baseball players play with Gonzaga head baseball coach Andy Bradley and my son Ethan, we came up with an idea for a way to send professional coaches into under-served areas, much like Teach for America does with teachers. The Community Coaching Alliance was born that day, created with the help of our parent organization, the DC Batter Up! The CCA sends professional coaches, and high school baseball players, into under-served areas of Washington, DC to help with their coaching needs. DC Batter Up! can also give financial aid to programs that need our help for uniforms, umpires, improved fields and the like. We not only coach kids but also coach coaches who are looking for assistance. We are looking for volunteer coaches to spend a few hours per year with us and the communities we serve.


  • Harvard Business School Case Study -- USATODAY.com

    Written by HBS alum Allegra Young (class of '95), this case study outlines the rise of the paper's website as they faced the challenges of most newspapers attempting to convert to a digital publication and company. As mentioned in the case study, Mr. Kohn started the publication's e-commerce division during this period and was later promoted to oversee the business side of the website.

    • Allegra Young was the author


  • "The 25 Greatest Super Bowl Ads of All Time"

    TV Guide

    Associate-produced Super Bowl commercial, featuring Saturday Night Live's Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz, for AmEx credit card division. Ranked #1 by USA TODAY Ad Meter (1989). Named as one of "The 25 Greatest Super Bowl Ads of All Time" by TV Guide.


  • Digital Hall of Fame -- 2013

    Media Industry News (MIN)




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