Polish My Pitch Podcast episode forty nine with Sean Sheppard, Managing Partner

Polish My Pitch Podcast episode forty nine with Sean Sheppard, Managing Partner

Thank you for joining us for another amazing episode of Polish My Pitch! Today’s lucky guest is Sean Sheppard, Managing Partner at U+. I really enjoyed helping Sean polish his elevator pitch. Sean is already so successful, he can get away with not polishing but, like I always say, “…the most successful people I meet are the ones interested in more feedback.”  

I suggested Sean adapt his elevator pitch to a line-liner hook. Refining his pitch to be more focused and niche will help him target a specific industry with more precision. Working with Financial Services as an example, I asked Sean what the most expensive problem is that he solves.  

Finally, we added a pain stat to help illustrate the pain point he identified for his target market. For example, “95% of innovations fail in the first 3 years.” I coached Sean to fine-tune his one-liner to include the cost of his target market’s problem. One further way for Sean to polish his pitch is to add a dollar value or cost for his customers if their problem remains unsolved.

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