You've heard the 80/20 rule, but do you know the Pareto Principle? Good news! If you know one, you know the other????The 80/20 rule, when? applied to sales, states:??80% of sales revenue comes from the top 20% of products. You may be surprised once you define?your own top 20%. And then what?? ?? Make better inventory decisions to ensure you stay stocked on top sellers. ?? Prioritize marketing promotions to appeal to customers of these products. ?? Use time more wisely to focus where you can have the most impact. ?? Optimize resource allocation towards the most profitable areas. Care to guess what products are in the Safewaze top 20%? To name a few: Northstar Classic overhead SRLs, FrogLink anchors, Latitude HD and 6' Web personal SRLs, 7' Confined Space?Tripods, FS185 PRO and FS-FLEX185 PRO+ harnesses, Sliding beam anchors, 4-Person HLL, SafeLink and Suspension Trauma Relief. Fun Fact??? The Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto developed this principle, popularly known as the 80/20 Rule, in 1896. #marketing #economics #business #entrepreneurship #safety #construction #manufacturing