Top 3 Things  that Make Employees Happy

Top 3 Things that Make Employees Happy

Have you ever walked into a company building and from the moment of entry you sense a sense of wonderfulness, you sense good vibes, joy, and great people in an amazing culture all moving in the same direction to achieve a common company mission. It's like company bliss. People are smiling and everyone is helpful.

There are many organizations that operate this way. But then...

What about that sales floor that seems morbid? That you can sense the whips they are given by the leadership (metaphoric whips of course). They have no innate motivation, no drive, no fire. And even the top guy seems shady. Just fear, fed up ness, frustration.

This environment tends to re-awaken past smokers. Those who quit smoking years ago suddenly start again. You know what I mean?

And you can sense that. Often when a manager or leader feels like "their employees are not working hard enough" is usually due to their own inability to give their employees what they need to fulfill their work.

What is the atmosphere like in most offices you walk into? Let me know in the comments below.

What are things that matter most to your people?

1. Feeling Appreciated.

Money shows appreciation. They want to know they earn enough enough to go home to warm meal and a roof every night without struggle. If your employees are having trouble paying their bills, they will be miserable and it will only be a matter of time that the company is hiring a new replacement. A decent wage shows that you respect and value the contribution of the employee. And many return that gratitude by being valuable team members.

Thank You's', "You did a Great Job!" small little compliments go along way with how a team sees their leadership.

Bonuses like Extra cash or Time Off is greatly appreciated. And appreciation breeds more appreciation for the company.

Perks like Company branded goodies - The good stuff though.

2. Being Included

This is a big one and I find this often to be one of the most missed opportunities in companies. When you include employees in ways such as having a vote in something that has an impact on the company, people feel valued. When people feel valued they want to give more. They start falling in love with you more.

The funny thing is, your employees all have ideas about how to improve your company and you're not tapping into it. People who care start caring about ways that the company can make more money.

Make it easy for employees to submit ideas or be part of think tank sessions. Employees often feel blocked by a "middle person". Make it easy for them to email it or create anonymous suggestions and take the time to read some of them.

Be honest with your team about what you have the ability to do and not do and always instill the vision in a heartfelt way.

3. Developmental & Team Events

- Everyone loves a party, and when a company invests in their employees by giving them a day(s) of learning & education it seems like one.

Employees value their time. If they work on a sales floor many do not like taking a day to waste when they could be selling. So packing the day with powerful tools that they can take back to their desks and improve their game, their life, their money and offer long term usage is important.

Whether it's personal development skills, sales & business skills or mix these are known to offer immense value. Here is a full list of impactful workshops.

These can bring teams closer. Creating teams within your people outside of a business day helps create bonds and better working atmosphere.

Please let me know if you found this valuable and what types of articles or subjects you would like me to write about next.

Follow me to stay updated on my posts and articles, and I would love to hear in the comments what you would add to this list.

To Your Beautiful & Successful Life.

Sandra Noemi Torres

#businesscoach #personaldevelopment #coach #planyourcompany #teambuilding #workshops

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