In today's fast-paced and high-pressure professional environment, vulnerability might seem like a weakness, but it's actually a powerful asset. Embracing vulnerability can lead to stronger connections, increased trust, and more innovative problem-solving.
First things first. Why is it so hard to be vulnerable? For one, trust. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose. Secondly, we have to trust someone to feel safe enough to share our vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we have to trust that by being vulnerable, we're not sacrificing our reputation or opportunities.
We might have a whole world of inner dialogue that keeps us from opening up with thoughts like...?
Am I going to come across as weak?
Will I disappoint them by not being able to handle everything on my own?
Are they going to think of me differently?
What if I say something wrong?
Are they going to judge me?
Will I come off as less independent and strong?
You have to be willing to check your ego, by giving yourself permission to need help or have vulnerabilities. You have to be willing to accept that you're human. Plus, on the other side of this really hard thing, you're going to be okay. You'll likely emerge stronger.??
Just like anything else, you can build trust in yourself and in your support team by going one step at a time. Think of it like a tactical plan.?
Here are 8 steps to unlock vulnerability:
- Make the decision. The first step is to decide that you’re willing to do the work to break through your discomfort. No one can do anything for you if you’re first not willing to help yourself. To help motivate yourself, visualize the outcome, just as you might when visualizing in sports. What if by talking to someone, you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders? What would it feel like to unpack the heavy stuff that burdens you? Imagine what that would feel like. Use the connection to this feeling to foster inner courage.
- Have a growth mindset. Just because you’ve always handled things on your own, and that’s what feels the most comfortable, it doesn’t mean it’s the best long-term solution. Take a couple of bricks out of the wall that you’ve built to protect yourself by going slow. Get into a growth mindset where you’re able to embrace new opportunities to build your inner strength.?
- Ask for help. The next step is to ask for help from a trusted source where you feel safe and validated. This is one reason why coaches and therapists are a great place to start because you'll be able to maintain confidentiality. They can provide a space just for you. Asking for help might be one of the hardest steps of all because you’re going outside of your comfort zone to ask for assistance when your nervous system is probably way more comfortable holding it all in. But think of it this way: Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re depending on anyone else to solve your problems. It just means you’re willing to fight for your well-being. Asking for help isn’t weak; it’s fighting for yourself.
- Be open. When you first reach out for help, try different avenues and have an open mind. Go into the process with the intention to be open as best as you can. Keep in mind that the inner work lasts a lifetime and takes just as much, sometimes more, discipline than physical training. Be open to your journey because, in the big picture, it will best serve you, but also those around you.?
- Say what you need to say. The act of speaking things out has been shown to reduce stress. When you speak, you are acknowledging your emotions and you’re connecting with another human being, both of which have profound benefits. If you just need the person to listen, then say that. “Hey, I just need to vent for a minute. I don’t need a solution. I just need to get this off my chest.” But, if you need to brainstorm solutions, say that!?
- Check your self-judgment at the door. One of the most difficult parts about being vulnerable is that we are opening up the door to voicing the things that we judge ourselves so harshly for. Adding to that, we might fear that others are silently judging us. This is why it’s so important to find a safe space where you feel supported. When others accept you as you are, you’ll have an easier time accepting yourself.?
- Your inner peace is yours. Speaking of judgments, remember that your inner peace should not be dependent on anything external. It’s not your job to keep everyone else’s peace if it costs you your own. You can’t save everyone if you lose yourself. Work on accepting that.?
- Look at the bigger picture. Last but not least, you are more than the outcomes you produce or what you provide to others. You are a whole human being so bring that into your awareness.
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PurposeSoul? Athletics: A safe space for confidential conversations where you are supported in creating inner peace and a performance mindset.
Affirmations For The Week
- I am brave enough to show my true self and embrace my vulnerabilities.
- I trust that being open and honest brings me closer to genuine connections.
- I accept that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.
- I am worthy of love and acceptance just as I am, with all my imperfections.
- I am confident in sharing my feelings and experiences, knowing they matter.