What skills are in demand in your industry and the broader market?
What locations are hidden gems of the talent and skills you will need to source?
What companies are your best targets for finding the type of talent you need now and in the future?
What schools are producing the type of talent and skills that you will need to hire in the future?
How is talent engaging with your brand today? Are you engaging with the right talent now to ensure a healthy pipeline in the future?
Click Create a Talent Pool Report on the Talent Insights homepage.
Enter the job titles in the Job Title field. You can also select from the pre-populated suggested job titles in the dropdown.
Add a Job Title, Location, Skill, Company, Industry, Function, or other Advanced Filters, such as School, Degree, Spoken Language, Keyword, Years of experience, and Company Size, on the left rail to further refine your report.
- Company Size filters the talent pool results based on the size of the companies where a member holds their current position.
Optional: Click Exclude at the top of the filter rail to add filters you want to exclude from the report.
Click Apply.
Once your report generates, you can navigate through the tabs at the top of the report to view insights on this talent pool.
Important to know
Related tasks
- Sign in to Talent Insights
- Access LinkedIn Talent Insights
- Edit the Talent Pool Report in LinkedIn Talent Insights
- Interpret Talent Insights data alongside Recruiter
Learn more
- Talent Pipelining with Talent Insights
- Sample Talent Pool Reports in Talent Insights
- Location tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Company tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Industry tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Education tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Skills tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Titles tab of the Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Employer brand tab of Talent Pool Report in Talent Insights
- Profiles tab of the Talent Pool Report in LinkedIn Talent Insights
- Present Talent Insights Data to Stakeholders