

  • Create Company Reports in Talent Insights


    The Company Report in LinkedIn Talent Insights allows you to understand the types of talent within a company and how the company's workforce is changing over time. Company Reports contain data that help answer the following types of questions: To…

  • Save Talent Insights Reports


    Save Talent Insights reports to folders to easily access them again in the future. Saving Talent Insights reports to folders allows for efficient access, organization, and collaboration. To save a report: Related Tasks Create and Manage Talent…

  • Export Talent Insights reports


    You can export your Talent Pool or Company Report in LinkedIn Talent Insights. To export a Talent Pool or Company Report: Your report will download to your computer, where you can save, print, and share the report. You can also export one report…

  • Tips to manage your Talent Insights licenses


    As a user and license management admin, you can manage account permissions for all LinkedIn Talent Insights users, including other admins in the LinkedIn Admin Center under User & license management. Check out these tips to help you resolve…

  • Resend an invitation or activation link on Talent Insights


    User and license management admins can resend LinkedIn Talent Insights invitations and activation links in LinkedIn Admin Center to all users that’ve been invited to the account but haven’t activated their license. To resend an invitation to a…

  • Create Talent Pool Reports in Talent Insights


    Talent Pool Reports in LinkedIn Talent Insights allow you to understand the demographics of a talent pool and how it’s changing over time. Talent pools are defined by filtering the professionals on LinkedIn by their title, skill set, industry, and…