Get started with LinkedIn Premium Company Page

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

Use this guide to get started on your LinkedIn Premium Company Page subscription and make the most of its features by detailing both overall and subscription-specific benefits.

With your LinkedIn Premium Company Page subscription, a gold LinkedIn IN logo will appear at the top right of your Page header to help your Page stand out and to show that you have a Premium Company Page subscription. 

Premium gold logo

??? Establish credibility 

Custom call-to-action button

Boost engagement with members of a LinkedIn Page and drive your prospects to take a desired action by adding a custom CTA button like Visit website, Contact us, and more. 

Custom testimonial

Add a testimonial or quote from a client and an optional image at the top of your LinkedIn Page to enable customer conversion. 

Credibility highlights

Add credibility highlights to your Page to display awards, certifications, rankings, news features, or other notable highlights. 

Dynamic cover images

Enhance your Page's first impression by adding a single dynamic cover image or a dynamic cover slideshow of up to 5 images to appear at the top of your Page.

Review LinkedIn Page analytics 

As an admin, you can review recent visitors to your Page and see up to one new visitor’s details each day when eligible members visit your Page. You can also see how to convert visitors into followers, and how to engage with your followers. 

LinkedIn Page visit visibility for members 

As a member, you can allow organizations to see that you’ve visited their Page subject to your privacy settings. 

??? Grow your followers

Auto-invite content engagers 

With Premium Company Page, save time with an exclusive invite-to-follow option that allows you to automatically invite people who have engaged with your content to follow your Page, regardless of their connection degree. 

?? Post engaging content

AI-powered writing assistant 

Create content on topics you have expertise or personal knowledge about, using LinkedIn’s AI-powered writing tool to quickly transform your ideas into a draft that you can edit before posting.  

Here's a tip

If you’d like to learn more about LinkedIn Premium subscriptions, please join us and attend a free live webinar.