LinkedIn is committed to keeping our members' data safe and our platform free from fraud and abuse. In order to protect our members' privacy and keep LinkedIn a trusted platform for authentic interactions, we don't allow the use of third-party software or browser extensions that scrape, modify the appearance of, or automate activity on LinkedIn's website.
Third-party software that automates tasks could potentially export or scrape data from LinkedIn and affects authenticity; at times, without your consent. This is a violation of LinkedIn’s User Agreement, and may be a violation of privacy legislation in specific jurisdictions.
If your account is restricted for automated activity, we ask that you take the following actions:
- Review and disable the software or extension that automates activities. Your account will then automatically be re-enabled at the time specified on the suspension notification.
- If you’d like to provide more details about your account so we can take a second look, or if you’re leveraging third party software for productivity reasons and would want LinkedIn to consider partnering with these applications, please login, complete, and submit the contact us form. Note: This feature is being gradually rolled out and is currently available only to some LinkedIn members.
- Change your password on a regular basis to improve the safety of your account and to prevent unauthorized access.
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